
Shadows into Light


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In the silence of the night, it slithers, that silent echo, a weeping thought, circling shadows in the mind. No peace to gain from seeking a hedge.

A whisper turns into a roar, a knock at the door of memory, an endless loop, a weary trance, the mournful dance it wore, locked deep within.

Eyes open, heart locked, prisoner to an unkind mind, rewinding to past scenes, nourishing doubts, kindling fears. Questions that have no reply, as moments fly, beguile the soul, a tempest in the inner deeps, alone you cry. Meaning not found, alone you have died.

But at early morning, a glint of hope, an opportunity to disrupt the never-ending flow — to gently turn the gaze away and discover a new day in the light.



The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

Resilience Advocate Writer. Fearlessly wielding words to empower and inspire.