The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub — Monthly Newsletter #2

April — Stats, Growth, Learnings, The Featured Five, Token of Thanks, Notable Mentions, A Special Thanks and more…

Mehak Adlakha
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub



Our second month on Medium went well, with several milestones achieved.

Being no expert, I just started this positive community along with Karan Kumar and unexpectedly we are doing very well.

Screenshot of the publication stats for April.

As compared to March, April views were lesser but reads were more.

We did see a decline in views because fewer articles were published, but since we focused on quality, the read count was more — win-win!


In the second month, we have grown to be a community of 115 members and 132 followers!



Mehak Adlakha
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

26 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Life Enthusiast and Tech Explorer | I promote positivity and knowledge.