The Medium Rules: Something Strangely Familiar Struck My Mind Recently

Except we care: the “poor” writers here ‘perish’

Chinedu V. Onyema
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The Inspiration

While going through the story of a writer here, something should be done about the rules. No offences to anyone: the victims, the administrators and or the neutrals; can’t some Medium writers be helped in any legal way?

It is not because I am one of the victims. No, it is not. Let me state this from the outset. If a victim is, however, legally compensated, what is wrong with that?

Recently, a top writer within my circle of “followees": Oliver Lövström wrote an interestingly unprecedented piece, entitled: “What Is Your Worst Article? I Want to Read It!”

Click below to read, please:

The Observation

The story struck two chords in me. One, there are stories we have written, especially for those who could be described as prolific writers here — yet the readership is nothing to write home about.

The earlier-mentioned writer did promise to read such stories provided the readers should indicate them with their links. That I considered uniquely and unprecedentedly humane and touching as well.

Two, there are writers here who are members of the great Median community. They pay their subscription fees. BUT they are not paid on Medium irrespective of how much efforts they might have put in to produce and or publicize their stories.

This is absolutely for no fault of theirs — except their country or place of residence. Come to think of it, do they not deserve a better deal?

The Rules

We all know the Medium rules and the Stripe-support clauses. You cannot be paid while you are in a country where Stripe is not supported.

But you can pay to read and be a member …

Something could be done about this. “Rules”, they say, “are meant to be broken.” I must add, however, LEGALLY.

Imagine how many countries in the world that people vote and are voted for today, for instance. Several years ago, were they so? (No!!!) What happened? The rules were legally broken.

Why can’t a similar thing be done on this most noble ‘Median’ kingdom?

Imagine how the world would be, could remain if there were NO CHANGES to many issues. Imagine a world without internet, for example ...

Historical angle

I am not a fan of pop music. Growing up in the eighties though, there was this special hit entitled “We are the world”.

Released by a group called USA for Africa featuring great stars such as Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie, Steve Wonder, Kenny Rogers, et al. The aim of the album-cum-song was not for entertainment.

It was to raise both awareness and funds for victims of drought and starvation in Africa. The “USA”, I had erroneously believed to be the United States of America.

Not until years later, I understood the USA to mean: the “‘United Supporters of Artistes’ for Africa”.

The music didn’t mean much to me on a face value. But the spirit behind it did. In one of the lines of the great lyric, it read:

There is a choice we are making/We change our own lives/It’s true, we’ll make a better day, for you and me …

Insightfully and instructively

If we do not care on this platform, they perish. These writers who put in a lot; have their works widely read — and — occasionally gone viral: yet have no cent paid to them … deserve some special kindness.

It does not matter what it is called: Writers Supporting Writers (WSW) on Medium … What is crucial is that someone remembers them and helps them financially so as to make the world a truly better place, akin to the aforementioned famous group of the early eighties.

It is noteworthy nonetheless, some of them might not have the Buy Me Coffee (and the likes) apps functional in their countries as well: for the same reason Stripes does not …

But the Medium community of paid writers could have a way to reach out and help them if the willingness and or awareness is there. Kindness is often a wilful sacrifice.

Except we care, someone perishes. The world is better off when we show some kindness, no matter how little.

Thanks for reading.

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Chinedu V. Onyema
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."