The mundane moments of today, delve into comforting memories of tomorrow

Mahnoor Hasan Khan
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub
2 min readApr 21, 2024

Head is spinning…

Vision is becoming blurry…

Legs start to feel wobbly…

Thoughts are racing…

Breathing as if you're running a marathon…

You need to calm yourself down.

Your mind quickly goes through all of your stored memories and comes across that one.

Which one?

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

The one where you're winning the Nobel Prize in physics?

No, the memory your mind chooses to calm your nerves, is…


you are running around with your dad close behind,

eating your grandmas baked goods with some hot drinks on a snowy day,

playing with your friends in the park near your home

and the list is endless.

Have you never asked yourself why remembering trivial moments from your childhood or simple little memories from not too long ago seem to calm you down so easily?

Why they immediately cause you to smile, the stress to fade away and the weight of the world on your shoulders to become lighter?

Funny, isn't it?

How, during the moment, those memories seemed insignificant.

We never truly valued them.

Alas, as time went on and life became more complicated,

we always seek refuge in those simple little memories filled with sincere happiness.

(This whole introduction has a point, just a bit of patience)

Basically, what I'm hinting at, is to cherish the simple glimpses of peace during the day.

The engraved childhood memories.

The unforgettable events.

Most importantly,

moments that happened consistently.

Be it family movie nights or that specific restaurant you would eat out at.

Going to a specific place every weekend, or your mum reading you a bedtime story every night.

The repeated events,

as trivial as they seemed to be,

they continuously pop in your mind,

because they have this comforting element to them.

They remind you of a time, where your thoughts and anxieties didn't consume you.

The only thing that occupied your headspace, was joy.

You got enough sleep and were spoiled by your mother's cooking.

Those were the days…

Not to say, that life is now only grey clouds and thunderstorms.

But rather,

when the rain comes and the storm arrives shortly after,

the best way to relax yourself,

is to think of the time when the sky was a shade of baby blue, the clouds looked too dreamy to be real and the sun shone brightly, illuminating every corner of the house.

The next time you find yourself enjoying a happy moment,

know that one day,

you will look back at that particular moment and a smile will make its way up your face.



Mahnoor Hasan Khan
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

To write is like to breathe, you simply do it, because you must.