Who Am I, Really?

Why does everyone keep getting it wrong?

Jennifer Morrison
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub


Photo of Author through Snapchat

I’m typically level-headed, so when I began noticing something happening on Medium recently, I was more than interested. And, never leaving well enough alone, I decided to find out what was going on.

Because it affects me. Directly. (And also made me think I was losing my mind.) Let me explain.

I, like we all do, spend a lot of time here on Medium, strike up friendships here and there, and check for comments on our writing periodically throughout the day. So needless to say, I began to feel just a bit unnerved when I’d receive comments for a different writer.

At first I laughed it off, thinking it was the commenter’s mistake. Then, a few days later, it happened again, from a completely different commenter. And so on. You get the story.

I checked the name on my Medium account, and it said Jennifer, my name, the one I’ve always used since birth. But, what if the writers here somehow knew something I didn’t? You just don’t repeatedly keep getting called a different name in comments and think nothing of it. Was someone trying to tell me something?

Looking around my room, I placed my phone down on my bed and inhaled deeply, trying tetting up some nerve. My 15-year-old son looked at me strangely, wondering what I was about…



Jennifer Morrison
The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub

I am a whirlwind who changes daily, but I always have a pen in my hand!