The Mythical History of Camino de Santiago

The history and mythology of Europe’s greatest hiking trail

James Cussen
The Living Philosophy


In May and June this year I walked the ancient pilgrimage path the Camino de Santiago across the north of Spain. When I got back I thought I’d write something up on my experience and on the Camino itself but I quickly found that I had too much to say. In the case of my experience I decided to make a video where I talk off the cuff about my experience (for those interested I’ve put the video below). In the meantime I decided to take some time and do my research on the Camino itself — the part fact part myth that make up the history of the Camino and its significance in the development of Europe as we know it.

A Medieval Pilgrimage

The Camino de Santiago is a Christian pilgrimage that dates back to the 9th century. It is one of the three great pilgrimages of Medieval Christianity along with the route to Rome and Jerusalem. Medieval pilgrims were fond of their insignia. Those returning from Jerusalem carried palm leaves and were known as “Palmers”…



James Cussen
The Living Philosophy

Philosophy you can live your life by. Editor of The Living Philosophy