Which are the three types of charity in Hindu culture?

Robin Bhan
The Logical Hindu
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2020
Photo By Amber_Avalona on Pixabay

Charity is also known as dana in the Sanskrit language. Dana has been an integral part of India since ancient times. In this post, let’s try to answer a few questions about the concept of charity.

Question 1: What was the significance of charity in ancient India?

Since ancient times our sages have preached the concept of karma.

Everyone has to bear the fruits of his actions. Karma indicates if a man performs good deeds, then nature rewards him. However, if a man performs evil deeds, then nature punishes him eventually.

The Rig Veda suggests — Wealth never decreases by the charity & no one helps the one who fails to be charitable.

Author K.V Singh in his book, Hindu Rites and Rituals, mentions a quote from Garuda Puran. The Garuda Purana suggests that one needs to earn wealth through honest ways; else such acts will bear no result.

One important aspect of doing charity is that you need to help those who genuinely desire your help.

Question 2: Which are the different types of charities?

The holy Geeta follows the Upanishads on defining the characteristics of charity.

According to the Upanishads, there are three kinds of charities:

1. Satvik

Satvik is a type of charity performed to contribute towards a social cause without any expectation to get repaid for that act in the future.

2. Rajsik

Rajsik is the type of charity shown to get some possible return in the future.

3. Tamsik

Tamsik is a type of charity performed to insult someone.



Robin Bhan
The Logical Hindu

Creator of "The Logical Hindu" | Author of “Why Accepting Failure Is Not An Option." I write on fiction, self-development & Indian culture.