Potato Heads (Chapter 6)

Nalan Köroğlu
The Lonely Royalty
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2022

Hey, potatoes! What’re you up to? I am thirsty.

- Master Great Lord! Master Great Lord! What are your orders?

These little bastards, I hate them. On the contrary they love me. That’s something. Not a cure for my loneliness but good for boredom. Why are you making such a noise, don’t you see I have a guest?

- Master Great Lord, please forgive. We want to bring you some refreshments. Dear Guest of Master Great Lord…

- Please call me Pratgorn.

- Dear Guest of Master Great Lord Precious Pratgorn! What may we offer you?

- Dou you have dry ice enriched with salt?

- We have dry ice Precious Guest Pratgorn but no chloride. Do you take your ice with sodium?

- I’ll be happy if it isn’t trouble you.

- Hurray! We will make Dear Guest of Master Great Lord happy.

Haven’t you spoke enough? Do you see those potato heads? They instantly fly when I raise my voice a little. I like to warn you these potatoes shed extreme amount of fur. You may find more fur than sodium in your ice.

- No worries sir.

You see this part of this asteroid is flat. I first landed here and found here comfortable and rest before I explore the other sides. I can easily walk all around this stone. Other side of the asteroid is bumpy like my belly right here. So I called the other side “Ejder Böğrü”. It means “Dragon Flank” in my own language.

When I first stepped other side, these little bastards should have been scared to death. For the first few days I didn’t see a thing. I thought I was the only living thing on this asteroid. That felt kind of sad. I don’t want to live alone, you know. I used to live as a pack and I like company. This is how we, dragons, live.

A few days later I saw a potato. That what I was thinking. Where the hell this potato came from? I got closer to look carefully and realised that the potato was shaking. It was one of this tiny creatures curled up and trying to stay still. Its’ furs were flicking.

I tuned my voice to the softest tone I had and spoke to it like I spoke the first human I had ever met. I told it there was nothing to be afraid. I would do no harm. I spoke but didn’t know if it can understand me. AS my surprise and luck it did. It stopped shaking and showed me its’ face, very ugly indeed. Then we spoke a little and their fear passed. They came towards me from other side of the Ejder Böğrü. They were hiding there till the day I landed.

When I first saw these potato shaped furry creatures, I thought to leave immediately but their behaviours reminded me of our first meeting with humans so I stayed to this very day. Besides, these creatures are very successful at taking care of me. They don’t have enough intelligence, they talk too much and forgetful but they entertain me. Look, they forget your ice too.

What happened my guest’s ice?

- Master Great Lord, Master Great Lord here we come! Precious Guest Pratgorn, here is your sodium dry ice.

- Thank you!

- Are you happy Dear Guest of Master Great Lord Precious Pratgorn?

- Yes, very well. Thank you!

- Hurray! We make Dear Guest of Master Great Lord happy! Hurray!

Hush now!

See, how they are running backwards! Hahaha… This is my entertainment around here.



Nalan Köroğlu
The Lonely Royalty

Content Writer, Fiction Writer, Cowriter of “Upon an Asteroid WRIPE8” (on sale at Amazon) For other articles and books: nalankoroglu.wordpress.com