The Enemy (Chapter 14)

Nalan Köroğlu
The Lonely Royalty
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2023

Visitors became sparse. We saw fewer ships year by year. Our temples were getting worse due to neglect. We tried our best to take care of our temples but dragons are not as handy as humans. In time all the temples became ruins.

At first I got grumpy again. On my temple days I was kinda soft, the softest I could ever be. I felt cheerful and loved all the humans who came and talked with me. All of a sudden my friends stopped coming. They were old so I suspected of their death. I waited for a while then I flew to their dwellings. I didn’t know how humans would react my existence so I hid in the shadows and walked around the villages for hearing some news about them.

What I learned was horrifying. My friends were dead but that wasn’t it. Something else were lurking in humans’ minds. They were gathering for a war, war against whom I didn’t understand. They all said it was the enemy. But who was their enemy, they weren’t talking about that because all the members of the village knew who the enemy was.

I am not as curious as my cousin but I have some curiosity myself. So I kept digging this “enemy”. I sneaked into their meetings.

  • Pardon me for interrupting Sir. “Sneak in” you mean you got into houses?

Yes, that’s what I meant.

  • In to humans house! How come you fit in and still couldn’t be realised?

Well… This will be a mystery for you. I tell you what. I told you about our talents, this is one of them. So beware of the shadows! It might include a grumpy old dragon.

  • Wow… That is scary.

Don’t be afraid my lad. I am supposedly the last dragon and too old to go anywhere.

  • That is not a relief but if you, I mean dragons, wanted to slaughter any of us you would have done centuries ago.

There is a first time for everything.

Hahaha! Come on, just kidding.

  • So you learned who the enemy was.

Alas! I did. I sneaked into lots of their meetings. Moıst of them was the same. They were all chatter, kill kill kill the enemy. But none of the humans seemed to take action or knew how to get on action. But there was one meeting which I didn’t think of even in my nightmares. This meeting was all different than the others. Others for just flaming the random villagers against the enemy. They were politics. But this one was different from all sides.

There were just men in the meeting. No woman was allowed. All the men were clothed like steel and all of them had different kinds of armour. Most of them had lances and swords. Their faces were grim and hard. They were soldiers with no doubt. One of them was standing in front the others a long lance was in his hand. He seemed the leader of that troop. And there were drawing on the wall which he was showing to others.

The drawing on the wall was showing how to kill a dragon. The enemy was us!



Nalan Köroğlu
The Lonely Royalty

Content Writer, Fiction Writer, Cowriter of “Upon an Asteroid WRIPE8” (on sale at Amazon) For other articles and books: