Love Through A Snapshot

7-Day Series Through The Lens of a Snapshot

Laura Gulbranson
The Hideout
3 min readSep 20, 2019


I was about to take a shot of San Marco when the little boy looked straight at me, a huge grin on his face along with his mom. I refocused my camera, no longer on an immaculate building, but on them and their joyful faces.

San Marco, Venice by Laura Gulbranson

Can you see how happy this little family is in this moment?

I think of all the snapshots I’ve taken on my journey through Europe, and this photo is probably one of my favorites.

I can see the dad as he is about to turn around, smiling at his son who epitomizes The Fonz with his super rad shades and collar up. Then there’s the mom — free-spirited — not caring that the birds are on top of her head and crowding around her, nor of the passersby that stop and stare.

Before this shot, I remember trying to duck around photoshoots with ninja-like movements to avoid unintentional photobombs on my part.

Of course, that struggle was real in tourist-ridden Venice as I tried to get a good angle to snap of San Marco among swarms of people, many with selfie sticks and Insta-ready outfits for that “Instafamous” photo.

But this photo…

It’s equally precious.

I looked through the camera, scoping for the best angle, until my eyes refocused and I looked up to see this family in front of me. I could feel the itch of a smile. I saw the family welcoming the birds within the piazza. I was about to take a shot of San Marco when the little boy looked straight at me, a huge grin on his face along with his mom. I refocused my camera, no longer on an immaculate building, but on them and their joyful faces.

You’d think that real beauty, real love opposed to what’s “fake”, is hard to find.

Nah. Not really.

We just need to look around us. Beauty is something we could actually see every day if we wanted to, and yet, it becomes invisible in the oversaturated world of “what’s hot”, nouveau rich, and glamorous.

I wish I got the chance to walk up to this family to say how beautiful they were… to hope that they’d keep on smiling and laughing in the same way that they did in this photo.

How I wanted to say to the lady: “You are such a cool mom.”

And to her little boy:

“Thanks, kid, for smiling at the camera.” <3

So, I guess to give credit where it’s due for this missed opportunity, I’ll just write about it and share the beauty with you.

I’m starting a 7-day series here on natural beauty — through the lens of a snapshot.


With love. <3

