Open Submissions To The Loners’ Hideout

Laura Gulbranson
The Hideout
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2019

Hey guys!

This is Laura. I started The Loners’ Hideout over a month ago as a 30-day challenge to write every single day in the most authentic place I could — from the heart.

Just some background about the Hideout. The intention behind it is to create the safe space for writers to write from the heart.

The hope is that if you need some “alone time” to just write and let it vacate empty space in the universe, it can and will here at The Loners’ Hideout.

My sincere hope for The Hideout is not really growth, but authentic engagement.

What I don’t want to see is a “I follow you, you follow me” mentality when it comes to building and fostering relationships and never reading that person’s work again.

I want this to be a real place for real writers (aren’t we all ;)) to connect and not hold back on our writing.

I am currently abroad, but I will check for submissions at least 5 days out of the week. Either in August or September, I plan on restarting a 30-day challenge of sorts where I will post consistently every day on The Loners’ Hideout. Feel free to join me when the writing challenge begins. :)

This is a small, small publication. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other people who might have interest in the Hideout. All are welcome.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Write from the heart. Poetry, prose, short stories, personal essays, food for thought, and guides are all accepted here. I want the hideout to be the creative hub for our imaginations to take off as well as the spot to relax. (here’s an imaginary cup of coffee for you). If I see that there is a trend, I will create sub-categories for our writing.
  2. Accepting ALL Writers: I’m not a big stickler when it comes to grammar, but if you struggle with grammar, do your best to self-edit and I will do the rest. Again, I encourage all writers to submit no matter if you are just starting or are prolific with your work. If you think your ideas are too odd, join the club. If you keep the content between G and PG-13, it more than likely will be accepted. Submit anyways and don’t hesitate. This is a safe space to make mistakes. That’s how we learn. :)
  3. Create a resonating title that even you yourself would want to click and read.
  4. Choose your title image. It’s better if I leave it to you to do this. You know your story — your heart — best.
  5. Email me at if you are interested in becoming a contributor. Tell me a little bit about yourself, your profile on Medium, and I will add you. You can also write in the comments if you would like to contribute.

Just like anything in life, this Hideout will transform, but the essence will always remain the same:

When the world is too loud, sometimes we just need a safe space to hide out.

I look forward to reading what we come up with!

With love,


