What Is The Loners’ Hideout?

When the world is too loud, sometimes we just need a safe space to hide out.

Laura Gulbranson
The Hideout
3 min readJun 1, 2019


This is a loner’s hideout. It is the safe space for fellow loners to feel at ease with being… a loner. All writing in this hiding spot is made by and for loners.

What you will find at The Loners’ Hideout:

  • Raw pieces from other fellow loners.
  • Off the beaten path stories on life lessons learned along the way.
  • Inspirational pieces to help loners recharge and return back to the world.

What is a loner? If I’m not a loner, can I still hide out here?

You might ask yourself whether or not you are a loner or if you are simply an introvert. You might even be an ambivert or extrovert, too.

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

If you have ever felt alone or misunderstood — if you have ever felt the need to seek solitude — you are welcome here. The stories that you read here are to connect ALL loners (not just the stereotypes you see in film or read in stories).

As for the definition of “loner”…

Dictionary.com refers to a loner as:

a person who is or prefers to be alone, especially one who avoids the company of others

Merriam-Webster’s definition is:

1: one that avoids others: such as

a: a person who is often alone or likes to be alone

b: a typically solitary animal

According to Urban Dictionary:

A loner is a leader who doesn’t want to be followed.

According to a loner:

It’s whatever you define it to be because each individual loner — like every other person on the planet — is not the same.

Throughout time, loners have been known by other names. They include the following:

What is a loner?

Here’s what you need to know:

Being a loner is more than just a label. Loners have an unhealthy stigma and it’s time for fellow loners, gypsy spirits, freethinkers, misfits, and offbeat rebels to find their tribe.

This is the safe space to recharge and face the world again.

Loners: the world still needs you.

But this is the reality — we need time to replenish ourselves to give back more to the world and return to it.

This is what’s amazing about being a loner: we can make big impact after we have spent time in solitude in an authentic, intentional way.

If we authentically and intentionally use our times of solitude to meditate, muse, and create, we are capable of accomplishing the extraordinary in this world.

Unlike the majority of social human beings — we need to spend more time in solitude than the average human being. But when we do return back to the world, we can manifest our inner world into the outer world. It’s possible if you believe in it.

What would our message — our writing — look like if we simply unplugged?

What would life look like if we simply disengaged from the noise? Instead of diving deeper into the intricacies of the world, why don’t we embrace the fact that we do not need to fit into society to make change happen in our inner worlds?

Let’s just step out of the world for a moment. For some of us, it takes a shorter amount of time. For some of us, it takes longer.

Take as long as you need. From one loner to another, it’s understood.

While we are trying to figure things out in our inner worlds, let’s hide out for a while.

With love. ❤

