Spiritual Maintenance

Max Wilkinson
The Long Road
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2020

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. — Psalm 51:10–12

From new tires to oil changes, cars require regular maintenance. Without it, they lose their ability to function properly. And though skipping maintenance for a day, a week, or even months, may not produce any sudden consequences, slowly but surely that car’s ability to function is deteriorating. Tires that needed to be changed 3,000 miles ago may seem fine on dry roads, but the next time a winter storm comes, those bald tires will likely send that car into a ditch.

Done correctly, maintenance is something you perform regularly regardless of circumstances, or how things seem. It is about preparing for when the storms come and conditions are bad.

Like cars, our souls need regular maintenance too. Without it, we will struggle to function properly when the storms of life come our way, and may find ourselves skidding into a metaphorical ditch.

Fortunately, God has provided us with a maintenance plan for our souls. It requires a consistent dose of connecting with Him through prayer, reading scripture, and spending time with other believers. By connecting with God, He is able to repair and replace the worn-out parts of our soul. He can keep us running at peak performance, so that we have a solid foundation of preparation for when the storms come.

I want to encourage you to consider today one new habit you can form to begin connecting more with God. It could be spending time in devotion each morning, listening to a sermon or Christian podcast during your commute, reading scripture during your lunch break, or reflecting on the day in prayer before bed. There are so many different ways to connect with God, the most important thing is to make this the day that you choose one and start a new habit of connecting with Him daily.

I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. — Jeremiah 31:25

To help you get started, here are a few resources that I’ve found helpful over the years.

Devotional: Our Daily Bread (Android and iOS)
Sermons: Scottsdale Bible Church, Calvary (Also available via podcast apps)
Bible: Bible Gateway



Max Wilkinson
The Long Road

Max Wilkinson is a software engineer at Ford Motor Company. He has a passion for technology, entrepreneurship, and design.