COVID19, Uncertainty, Prescriptions, & Social Proof

Synthesizing my view on the ideas of Naval Ravikant, Kapil Gupta, & Team Robert Cialdini regarding COVID19

Marc Weinstein
The Look Up! Podcast


This is an excerpt from Marc Weinstein’s weekly newsletter, Look Up!, which addresses modern philosophy, consciousness, economics, and entrepreneurship.

Marc Weinstein is host of the Look Up! Podcast. He is an active writer, angel investor, entrepreneur, start-up advisor, and certified yoga instructor. Marc is a regular speaker at corporate events, universities, and conferences. Click here to view past presentations and to book Marc.

If you’d like to receive Look Up! directly to your inbox and stay informed of future podcast releases, you can sign up HERE.

“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge… For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another man”

— Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

We are living in extremely uncertain times.

In our physical reality, there is an invisible pathogen who while harmless and asymptomatic to most, is…



Marc Weinstein
The Look Up! Podcast

Host of Look Up! Podcast, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, & Yoga Instructor. I’m happiest when learning.