Episode 19: Heal, Play, Play with Others, Serve

With Tim Chang

Marc Weinstein
The Look Up! Podcast
1 min readNov 12, 2019


Tim Chang is an experienced venture capital investor who most recently serves as a partner at Mayfield in San Francisco. He has led dozens of investments into many incredible companies like Class Pass, Basis and Moat.

But as we discuss in this episode, the human identity is expansive, and not confined to our vocations. Tim is also an accomplished musician who performs in three bands, a philosopher and bio-hacker, who brings a contagious joy with him into all he does. (I think you’ll experience this when you listen). He’s also fascinated by neo-tribalism, post-human evolution, dystopian sci-fi and cool boardgames.

In this episode, I felt like we shot into the stratosphere, discussing some really heady subjects like identity, the meaning of life, and whether or not we humans are alone. We also dive into the current tech landscape and new products/services that might pull us out of the current extractive ad-based attention economy.

Other Links / Show Notes:


DeFy Ventures — https://defyventures.org/

Shakespeare, Hamlet — “Nothing is good or bad lest thinking makes it so”



Marc Weinstein
The Look Up! Podcast

Host of Look Up! Podcast, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, & Yoga Instructor. I’m happiest when learning.