3 Innovative Ways Recruiters are Attracting Top Global Talent

What can you do to make sure you get the right person for the job?

Anton Bonev
John Clements Lookingglass


Recruitment, as a practice, has been evolving side by side with other aspects of the business environment, experiencing similar disruptions due to technology and process innovations. Job posts have moved from newspapers and catalogues to online platforms. Requirements have become more intricate — going beyond classic leadership skills, time and people management, and such.

Hiring itself has also experienced significant advances, as it could now include unorthodox tests and tasks as part of the process. The goal remains the same — hiring the right person for the job, regardless of the candidate pool — but the scope has been affected by another disrupting factor: globalization.

Nowadays, the large number of multinational companies, coupled with people looking to gain international experience, has recruiters looking not only for top talent, but the top global talent. How do they do it?

Here are three methods that recruiters utilize, and that candidates need to know in order to adapt to and facilitate the process.

1. Social media

Not only is it easy, fast and efficient to look for talent using social media, but a recent study by Jobvite also found that people looking for a job on social media are more likely to be hired, and stay longer. Considering that most companies are running Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn ads, it is also more probable that job seekers see the ads when looking for the next opportunity. Likewise, sharing job posts on social media is one simple way to expand your pool of candidates, making it an important channel for sourcing.

2. Network

Many foreign applicants might be reluctant about joining a company abroad. Relocation hassles, culture shock, and lack of local contacts are all valid reasons for a candidate to choose a different job opening. While your company probably won’t be able to help with the first two, you can introduce the applicant to people who can ease the transition and help them adapt. Moreover, you can invite them to join an online networking event. While they won’t be as effective as meeting a person in real life, it will certainly save you money and time, as well as offering access to a large pool of possible candidates.

3. Online assessment made easier

Recruiters already know if a candidate covers the requirements of the job, simply by looking at their resume and cover letter. Assessing them to see if they are a proper fit requires interviewing. It’s doubtful that a foreign candidate will drop by for a face-to-face meeting, unless they are in the country. In that case, you need to think of ways to assess them online.

Online interviewing is one simple way to span distance and still have face-to-face contact. Whether Hangouts, Skype or even Messenger — as long as you or the candidate is willing to adjust to the time difference, and both of you have a stable connection, there should be no problems. However, if you face difficulties with either time or internet, then a video recording of the candidate answering a list of questions that you prepared in advance is a sufficient alternative.

As a foreigner working in the Philippines, I have encountered all of the above and I found the process to be hassle-free and somewhat fun — it is interesting to talk to someone at lunch while they are already preparing for bed, but still willing to put in the time!

Whatever the requirements for the job opening are, any candidate will appreciate a recruiter who is willing to go out of their way to make sure that the process is easy, and that caters to their schedule. Good luck sourcing!

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About the author:

Anton Bonev — a Bulgarian expatriate — is a marketing professional with a Master’s degree in Marketing Management from one of the top research universities in the Netherlands. Currently working as a Digital Marketing Consultant at John Clements Consultants, he is assisting the company in becoming the leading digital recruitment solutions provider in the Philippines.

