Empowering Women and Managing Diversity in the Workplace by Shannen Solneo

Shiela Manalo
John Clements Lookingglass
3 min readApr 13, 2020

Men have always stood at the top — from colossal empires to vast religions. It has been embedded in their DNA to lead, to instigate, to rule. Women, on the other hand, have always been regarded as caretakers and prized possessions. They’ve been put on earth to sow, cook, clean, bear children — to be a wife.

Even at present times, men sit at the helm of huge corporations — but there are a few women who have tried to challenge these unwritten rules, who have tried to rise above and beyond.

I was lucky to attend Sprout’s event on women empowerment and diversity last March 6, 2020. The featured speaker was none other than John Clements’ very own president and CEO, Ms. Carol Dominguez, one of the few women who fought her way to the top.

She opened the session with the question, “Who wants to be a CEO?” There were a few show of hands — some shy, some confident. She then rephrased the question, “Don’t you want to be a CEO?”

She then cited several studies about diversity in the workplace and some reasons why only a handful of women land in executive positions.

A study conduction by Zenger Folkman in 2019 showed that women scored higher in most competencies associated with leadership. Moreover, a study by Grant Thornton showed that the Philippines has the greatest number of women in senior management roles.

So, what are the reasons why there are only a few women at the top?

  1. Women have a double burden of responsibility
  2. Virtually every culture has discriminated against women
  3. Beliefs and assumptions that are embedded in our company cultures
  4. Nothing is forcing change
  5. Lack of role models
  6. Lack of sponsors

During her talk, she narrated her success story — but every success story starts with a hopeful little child. After graduating from a prestigious university, she moved to a new city with a luggage full of hopes and dreams. She eventually landed a job in an international bank and, soon enough, she realized that she had to fight tooth and nail to get to the top. After countless sleepless nights, numerous cups of coffee, and immeasurable amount of hard work, she was finally where she needed to be. Since then, she has tried to inspire women to challenge the norm and be more than what they were told to be.

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About the author:

25 year old Shannen is a dog lover; she has two (a mixed mini pin and a beagle). She enjoys reading books, binge-watching series, traveling, and crocheting.

