The World of the Internet

Marge Friginal-Sanchez
John Clements Lookingglass
3 min readJul 1, 2018

By Dennis Pabelico

At the onset of civilization, man’s basic needs were simply food, shelter, and clothing. Now they say that the internet is the most basic need in the household. Imagine a household with three children and all of them are always inside their rooms tinkering with their laptops or mobile phones. Then you toy around and turn off the WiFi switch. What would happen next? All three kids would burst out of their rooms and go straight to the source of the WiFi interruption. That is how important the internet is in their lives right now.

The topic IOT (Internet of Things): Endless Opportunities and Connections was a luncheon event hosted by AmCham on June 20, 2018 at the New World Hotel in Makati. The speaker, Mr. Luis Pineda, President and Chairman of IBM, started his talk by showing a cartoon video about a car that is connected to the internet. While driving the car, a warning light flashed, indicating that the car’s brake pad needed to be replaced since it passed a level from safe to dangerous. The car then signaled to the car manufacturer that the brake pad needed to be replaced and communicated with the nearest site where it could be replaced with the exact specifics. No need to panic. No need to search. All information is given. That is the IOT: where lives can be improved and be beneficial to all.

Photo credit: Dennis Pabelico

The IOT is everywhere. Factories, transportation, appliances, buildings and real estate, and even animals are enjoying the world of the internet. A company who is known for protecting endangered animals uses the internet to help restore the safety of these animals. For example, a rhino is considered going extinct and endangered. The company implanted microchips in all the animals surrounding the rhino in the wild. By placing chips to monitor the animals, they would know if a predator is coming because all the animals around the rhino would react to the stimulus coming their way. So once they pick up this reaction, they know what to do and send help right away to get rid of the predator and ensure the rhino’s safety.

Photo credit: Dennis Pabelico

Another example is IBM Watson. IBM has already bought the Weather Channel. They know that the weather has a significant influence on the behavior of each person. Simply maximizing this channel goes beyond artificial intelligence (AI) to discern the behavior of people that are dependent on the weather. Such data will be extremely useful to improve business opportunities of companies in relation to the behavior patterns of individuals. IBM Watson will be personalized according to each client. These are the wonders of AI now and in the future. IBM Watson has gone to the extreme by beating the best chess player in the world, the best Jeopardy player, and the best debate team ever assembled. Truly, AI is coming to face-off with humans. In the past, this concept was used in films and TV for entertainment purposes, but now, AI films like the Terminator is becoming a reality right in front of us.

In the end, IOT will soon digitize the physical world, making it work for humanity and making our lives easier.

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About the author:

Dennis is currently a Business Unit Head at John Clements Consultants, where he previously worked as the Naga City site head for five years. He also has a 15-year experience in pharmaceutical sales from Abbott Laboratories and a four-year experience in branch banking operations from PCI Bank.

