All You Need To Know About CYBERPUNK 2077!

satvik sharma
The Lookthrou Mag
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2020

Attention gamers! Mark the date, its November 19 2020! Because it is the day when (probably) the Game of the Decade will be out. CD project RED; the company of perfection and DRM hatters, have been teasing the audience with Cyberpunk 2077 for over a decade, hyping up the fans till date. With the first look; a 15min story gameplay-mixed teaser/trailer at e3 2019 CD project, RED showcased their most awaited Cyberpunk 2077 game.

The Release Date dilemma

At e3 2019 summit when Cyberpunk 2077 was shown with a cameo (and probably more) from The Keanu Reeves, the release date was mentioned to be April 16, 2019. But good things don’t come as easily at all do they? So it was delayed again. The next release date was said to be September. But the game wanted more so it was delayed again to November 19 of 2020. The reason was simple and unrivaled ‘OPTIMIZATION’. CDPR said they need more time to polish their game more and make this vast open-world feel alive.

To be honest, whether the game will be out or not on Nov 19 is still a huge question.

The Open World and Gameplay

Cyberpunk 2077 is set in a place called night city in the year 2077. It is the future world (Not post-apocalyptic as many games set in the future are) with machines, human implants, sci-fi guns, and much much more. The game looks chaotic yet beautiful with neons. This world has opportunities right around the corner. With multiple mafia gangs, criminals, and military you have to make your way to the top.

The game is a first-person shooter RPG. The game drops you into a war-torn city with no government to rely on everyone is on their own. The choice for not only deciding the dialogues and progressing through the story but also the type of approach towards enemies. The gameplay is designed such that you can be a gun roaring muscle head or a stealthy high tech ninja assassin or simply a hacker.

The Deep customization

According to CDPR, the game will feature deep character customization. Now many games feature this but how is it different in this. You have a character named V and that’s all that is pre-decided and is not customizable.

So here is the list of things you can choose for your character-

  • Gender — Male/Female
  • Your surname and forename
  • Skin,eye,ear,hair,scar,tattoo
  • Your origin- Nomad, Street kid, Corpo (it affects your origin story and the starting place and some special dialogues)
  • Your stats at the beginning — Strength, Intelligence, COOL, tech and reflex.

There’s much more on this list, that needs to be discovered only after you get your hand set on this beauty! Almost everything that you choose affects the way the game progresses in some way.

Why is the game such a big deal?

Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand

Cyberpunk 2077 has numerous reasons to be hyped. Fist of all the special cameos and characters. The game has Keanu Reeves with not just a cameo but as a character that acts as a guide to your criminal career as Johnny Silverhand. You can also spot Mike Pondsmith the original maker of Cyberpunk tabletop games.

The game will be DRM free i.e. it won’t have protection from piracy but in return, it makes the game more fun and optimized and will be released on PS, X box, and PC.

It will feature Braindancing a new feature and lets you see the memories of other characters over and over again.

Will have big and expansive DLC like the Witcher 3. And tall explorable buildings with huge content. A total RPG with multiple endings. Multiple original soundtracks composed by the composer of witcher 3 soundtracks by Marcin Przybyłowicz.

And when you order the game even the normal digital version of it on any platform you get exclusive goodies and digital content.

And if you are still not hyped check these out

And here’s a good news for all the fans who made it to the end of this article; Cyberpunk 2077 has a comic book coming out in September and an anime adaptation in 2021 on Netflix.


