How are sports being affected by empty stadiums?

Saurabh Kumar
The Lookthrou Mag
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020

Covid-19 has affected the whole world so adversely. As the sporting world has been shut down for a long time due to Corona, we took a look at number of ways in which our favorite sports have got affected.

Just imagine Finals of FIFA or Cricket World Cup without audience. Even player will not enjoy their game without their supportive audience. Crowd is used to boost up the players and lots of activities which goes down during the match. The match will be less interactive as the loving audience pay tribute to their stars. They are crazy for their favorite ones. To pay their gratitude and show their enthusiasm they come up with posters, flags and sometimes even paint their whole body. They are the one who celebrate with them for their win and support them in the harsh time. Just imagine the stands with empty chairs. SHOCKING!!

No Home Advantage

Now, the home team will not get any advantage of playing in home ground. Players turn up with a mindset that probably they can win match because of support and love from the home audience. While the other side of the coin plays under the pressure. More than 60% of the audience supports the home team which encourages the players. But now in the absence of the audience, opponent will play the neutral game without any pressure and their result will not depend on whether they are playing in their home or abroad.

Lack of Celebration

Players celebrate their happiness in their signature style. How can we forget the celebration of CR7 whenever he hits a goal or dance of DJ Bravo when he takes the wicket? All these weird celebrations make them stand out of the box. The whole crowd skips a breath, whenever they turn towards the ground.

But now, with no fan in the ground to cheer them, it will affect their celebration too because there will be no outpouring of emotion from the stand, no roar when the ball will go out of the park. Definitely players will miss the crowd and there will be very less celebration on the ground. We as the audience, better know how much emotionally we are connected with the celebration of our favorite star players and we all are going to miss it a lot…

Less pressure on the referees

Pressure on the referees would be less because of the empty stadium. Earlier they had to make their decision in front of 30,000. With that number, there were lots of noise and hooting all over, which definitely caught them under pressure before making any decision. Now they can give decision calmly and chance of error is very less. Specially, in the cricket, the referees can easily listen the caught behind appeal with no crowd roaring in the whole ground.

Less Scope for Upcoming youngster

There is a huge loss to the gaming industry in the recent 4 months due to COVID-19. Almost all the gaming events has been cancelled because of the spread virus including cricket, football, kabadi etc.

People always think about their safety first. Even if corona threat is over, handful of audience will visit the ground. It will lead to selling of very less match tickets and that will directly affect all the sports events. Therefore, the future of many upcoming youngsters are in danger.

Restart but when???

All the committee members should plan the events systematically. There should be proper social distancing among the crowd and screening facility is must. They should also try to sell only half of the total tickets so that social distancing and fun of the game, both get balanced. This step will also provide more opportunity to the upcoming players.

Let’s hope all these stuffs end soon so that we can live our normal life.

