The Rajput Legacy

Hemu Sridevi
The Lookthrou Mag
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2020

Eminent identified by a prodigious turban and a mustache, the Rajputs are a sign of conceit and integrity. His promises are sworn far-wide by his standing as a kind-hearted “Annadata”, the one who provides nutrition and is also as an ominous fighter. The man of many merits, the Rajputs are hailed with boundless esteem on every land he possessed or stayed-in. Administration or combat were the only professions corresponding to his figure and the skill of fighting in the battle made sense to his existence.

Regardless of how deprived he may be, a Rajput was measured to be born in higher stature than the officers or traders. No matter how big a conquest, a Rajput has never impaired or despoiled his rival’s womenfolk or offspring. Raised to the bout, the Rajputs would rather perish than the ache in the shame of rout!

What began as a harmless and perhaps in good belief, developed into a desperate trick uplifting the clan’s standing but, the same while shredding women off, all their privileges. Afterward, bigamy trailed, as a pointer of wealth and fame. Abruptly, a lady once respected as divinity turned out to be a captive to her tribe! As the menfolk were rebellious with their fights, the harems of spouses were fighting wars at home! To maintain subtle amity in the domestic, females were frequently not permitted to voice-out to their partner during the day, to not kindle wariness any more.

Giving birth to a male inheritor paved the place of a woman in a household, degrading her stature if she has a daughter. A girl in the household was also challenging to her father, for that gentleman of conceit had to display himself lesser to his in-law. Hence, espousing a daughter below her position was solid to envision!

Back to the current, Jaisalmer’s bazaar seals the babble of buyers before any celebrations. The ways gust with women in lively dresses and armlets umph in the sultry Sun. Dads with their Daughters busily negotiating, waiting edgily to wage, and get home. These lively and women-subjugated troops look like the public has lost its dim history behind. But this is just the Muslim public, formulating for Eid! Hindu girls are scarcely present. The female killing practiced over spans like an epidemic and barely relieved with the coming of recent times, though, the means are even more cultured.

Outline of economical ultrasound machinery has made the female infanticide laid-back and documentation of the sex of the infant has in-turn developed into a profession rated $250 million a year! And, predictably, Rajasthan wins the list of the most tilted gender ratio among all the states. While female infanticides can be stanched in every communal, within the civilizations of Rajput communities in Rajasthan it has developed into a custom, pitiful!

Famous for its amusing vegan delicacies, Rajasthan’s food is seemingly prevalent for its meaty plates. In this former Princely Government of Rajputana, the Rajput fighters and predators had an ironic legacy of shooting and meat-consumption. The shooting was one of their most loved pastimes mostly belonging to the royalties who would stroll into the uninhabited days to discover and search down good meat. The game is known as “shikaar” was then organized and enjoyed by everyone, occasionally in the fortress and sometimes in the laps of mother nature!

Adroitness and expense on the battleground made the Hindu coteries the highest backbone of the subcontinent’s confrontation. A perfect fighting appliance, those mostly rich menfolk were marked with one lethal fault — an irrepressible suspicion of their neighbor’s capital. Despite saving so much in mutual, their constant arguments were the cause they could never bond, even in the look of a proceeding Muslim Army.

Hence, they were directed as one coterie at a stretch. Their estate Rajasthan fooled the effect of those outbreaks, and the rival’s military wasn’t witnessing any of Rajput’s benevolent ciphers. Was it because of their fierce abusive spouses and children that those decent men choose to twitch assassinating their women? Certainly, this was the period that altered Rajasthan’s ladies’ lives for better. As the Muslim attacks elevated robust worries about ladies’ security, the fatefully also carried along with the resolutions.

Zenana and Purdah, the ways of women’s privacy, spread between Rajput Maharaja’s fervidly, and rapidly developed into a symbol of respect. Rich traders and landowners all imitated this drift and the women themselves believed it like an indication of their standing!

Though many great scopes of existence in recent India are slightly prejudiced by class, most nuptials are however decided inside their status. This is in practice because the public survived in the countryside and because the preparation of nuptials is a domestic action supported out through current webs of relationship and status.

