The Loser’s Guide to Happiness and Loving Yourself Part 2

Your Greatest Asset is Yourself

The one thing you will always have with you at all times, is yourself. The one person who will never leave you or abandon you, is yourself. The one thing you can never, ever get away from, is yourself.

So it makes sense to turn that one thing — yourself — into a source of strength and happiness, not fear and misery. To make yourself your greatest asset; not your greatest handicap.

But how many of us have it backward? How many of us are so afraid of ourselves that we will do anything, anything, to distract us from ourselves?

You might be the kind of person who’s on your mobile phone all day exchanging gossip or tweets, or playing computer games; and then when you get home from work, you spend all your time playing more computer games or watching trashy tv shows, or talking shit with your friends and getting drunk. Or you might be a workaholic who’s never happy unless you’re working your butt off.

Any or all of the above, are fine, in moderation; but if it’s excessive, if you’re doing it all the time, then you’re in deep trouble. Because what I’ve just described is the lifestyle of a former friend, who suffered from acute anxiety and depression, and who had a complete psychological breakdown…



Chris Thompson
The Loser's Guide to Happiness and Loving Yourself

I've been a huge fan of sci-fi my whole life, but recently, I've come to realise that we live in a stranger universe than anything anyone's ever dreamed up.