Words I baked while waiting for the bread

Vanessa Guedes
The love in the time of Corona
2 min readApr 17, 2020

Last Friday I got the time to do a more hands-on thing. It is still related to writing, but more tangible, palpable. It is the most instinctive form of self-publication for me: zines!

A zine is a non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural phenomenon (such as a literary or musical genre) for the pleasure of others who share their interest.
- Wikipedia

I have created some when I was younger. Sometimes in group, sometimes by myself. It is a nice way to get things done very quickly. And also fastest way to feel the satisfaction of seeing something you created in you mind getting a physical expression, a real manifestation. It is a good feeling. Here are some highlights of Words I baked while waiting for the bread. A collection of things I really wrote while making breading; between a kneading session and another, when the bread dough needs to grow.

You can follow me on instagram to see more: https://www.instagram.com/sayhellotovanessa/

Slowly my fears and strangeness
glued to each other with
the restlessness tape

the self-monster then
gave birth to 5 daemons
who sit with me for dinner
watch me silently when I brush
my teeth
witness my degradation
into self-awareness

I name them
(Screen, Coffee, Suicide, Homicide, and Delusion)
So they can really populate
the encased realms of the wait.

Stay home.
Make zines.

