Billionaires With a Poverty Mindset

No amount of money will heal your money wounds.

Cris Beasley
The Love Lock


Dragons guard the hoard of gold. Photo by Thor Alvis on Unsplash

Many billionaires are trapped inside a poverty mindset. Sure, they have money managers, private jets, chefs, and all the trappings of material abundance, but underneath it all when you scrape right down to the nub… they don’t act like a truly confident human who trusts their wealth.

Take Charles Eisenstein’s example of a man in the favela who would spend every spare dollar he had buying musical instruments for the children in his neighborhood. After buying some beans and whatever essentials his family needed, he would give all the rest away. That is the wealth of the soul which needs no bank account to reassure it of anything.

That’s a truly confident soul.

Here’s what Bezos’s ex-wife is up to… giving away $4.2 BILLION in the last four months.

That’s what the fuck I’m talking about. This is what happens when you don’t have a scarce poverty mindset.



Cris Beasley
The Love Lock

I help heal the thought loops that keep people stuck in fear and worry. I created Becoming Dragon, a card deck about emotional resilience.