Guide dog life

Dear Diary, There’s a New Dog in The Office. Love, Cooper

Just when everything was going smoothly, now I’ll have to share my snacks with the new boy.

Patricia Timmermans
The Love of Dogs
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


Picture by author. Two dogs relaxing in the CNIB hallway. Cooper — Black Lab and Harvey — Golden Retriever
Photo by author: Cooper and Harvey chilling in the hallway.

Dear Diary,

There were two dogs in the building where Pat and I work. Or, I should say, she works and I sit near her, keeping an eye on things. It’s been this way for three years and with just two dogs, we get a decent amount of snacks.

In the lunch room, people say things like, do your dogs want treats? And want to give them this piece of ham? Or would Cooper like a cucumber slice?

But this morning I sensed a feeling around the office. I knew it … there was a memo.

No good news ever comes in a memo.

This could mean only one thing, either 1) a team-building event like food or bowling, or 2) a human with a dog will be in the building.

I knew when I heard the excitement, the memo had to be about a dog. They don’t get this excited about bowling or new humans, but they’re super happy about a dog.

I already know what Pat will say, ok Cooper, a new person with a dog is coming in! You’ve got to be on your best behavior.



Patricia Timmermans
The Love of Dogs

My guide dog and I visit schools to raise awareness for sight loss; the kids’ questions make great stories! Plus, I love books and writing book reviews. 🇨🇦