Simone De Beauvoir

Prominent 20th Century Philosophers

Kevin Kane
The Love of Wisdom


What were (or are) their names?

Some suggest that the most prominent philosophers of the 20th century were the ones in the long list below (at the end of the article). I am not in a position to confirm or refute that.

I can only recognize some “celebrity” philosophers:

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Bertrand Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Popper.

What of the following? I know their names but do most people? Do you?

Simone de Beauvoir

Michel Foucault, Theodor Adorno, Alfred North Whitehead, Simone de Beauvoir.

Can you tell anything about the contributions of each of the above?

What about the ones listed below?

Julia Kristeva

Jürgen Habermas
John Dewey
Hannah Arendt
Iris Murdoch
Richard Rorty
Gilles Deleuze
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Henri Bergson
John Rawls
Judith Butler
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Julia Kristeva
Bernard Williams
Donald Davidson
Ernst Cassirer
Hilary Putnam
Luce Irigaray
G E Moore
W V O Quine
Martha Nussbaum
Rudolf Carnap
Donna Haraway
Elizabeth Anscombe
P F Strawson
Alfred Tarski
CI Lewis
Saul Kripke
Michael Dummett
Wilfrid Sellars
Susan Haack
Philippa Foot
David K Lewis

Bertrand Russell
JeanPaul Sartre
Michel Foucault
Jürgen Habermas
John Dewey
Simone de Beauvoir
Martin Heidegger
Hannah Arendt
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Iris Murdoch
Richard Rorty
Gilles Deleuze
Karl Popper
Theodor Adorno
HansGeorg Gadamer
Henri Bergson
John Rawls
Judith Butler
Maurice MerleauPonty
Alfred North Whitehead
Julia Kristeva
Bernard Williams
Donald Davidson
Ernst Cassirer
Hilary Putnam
Luce Irigaray
G E Moore
W V O Quine
Martha Nussbaum
Rudolf Carnap
Donna Haraway
Elizabeth Anscombe
P F Strawson
Alfred Tarski
CI Lewis
Saul Kripke
Michael Dummett
Wilfrid Sellars
Susan Haack
Philippa Foot
David K Lewis

