Relationship Keys: Patience & Understanding

Victoria Landrum
The Lover's Room
3 min readSep 7, 2023



  • Patience is a virtue.
  • Patience is the highest form of discipline.
  • Patience is emotional intelligence.


  • To understand is to comprehend.
  • To understand is to be aware of other’s feelings.
  • To understand is to have insight.

How does patience and understanding apply to a relationship?

When having patience in a relationship it takes for one a lot of forgiveness and embracing the flaws of your mate. To be able to accept each other differences. To learn how to overcome challenges, obstacles, trials and tribulations together. Patience in a relationship will help each other be self aware and aware of their partner’s feelings. To show patience is to be able to grow, nurture, and love properly.

When being understanding in a relationship it takes for one a lot of listening and communication. To understand your partner you also, have to be respectful and trustworthy. To be able to understand your partner you have to take the time to learn their good and bad attributes…



Victoria Landrum
The Lover's Room

Writer & Poet: Writing is my passion. Just give me a computer or pen and paper, then I am on my journey. ,