Fencing comes away with the AAA title and the Visconti trophy

By Phillip Mo

The Lowell
2 min readNov 17, 2016


Originally published on May 24, 2016

Sophomore Ben Hadler on the offensive. Photo by Lily Young

Last season, the fencing team lost their five-year hold on the Visconti overall team trophy. This year coming into All-City on the morning of April 16, the Cardinals set out a goal to reclaim the title. Turning their goal into reality, the Cards walked away with the Visconti trophy and the Academic Athletic Association title.

The team won first place with a total of 43.5 points. The Convent Cubs and Stuart Hall Knights placed second with 41 team points and the Urban Blues took third with 26.5 team points.

Senior Karen Li gets hit by the opponent. Photo by Lily Young

During the boys’ tournament, sophomore Ben Hadler, juniors Chang Kim and Kevin Lu and senior Evan Cheng earned victories for the team. Individually, Lu earned a bronze medal, and Hadler claimed first place for the varsity boys’ division.

For the girls’ team, seniors Jessica Guerarra, Emma Green and Karen Li and juniors Rebecca Nguyen and Jocelyn Chu sliced up the competition and awarded more points for the Cardinals.

Senior Emma Green fencing at the All-City championships. Photo by Lily Young

In the regular season, the boys’ team had a spotless record of 8–0 this season while the girls’ team went 7–1 in their matches, losing once to Convent.

No matter how the team did individually, the team came together as a whole to come out on top. “It showed that even though we all fenced individual bouts, all of our efforts came together towards victory,” Chu said.

