5 courses on coding that you can start right now

Ian Lucey
The Lucey Fund
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2017

Learning coding empowers you to do many things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. These things include hand-crafting your own websites, becoming a career coder or even starting a technology business. Most importantly, you’ll be able to understand the technology shaping your world.

As was alluded to again in our previous blog , the options for learning online continue to expand and a growing number of entrepreneurs are using them with the thought of their staff at the forefront of their minds or even for themselves.

‘Using tools for online training, including videos, apps, and webinars, rather than sending employees to expensive training classes or bringing in pricey consultants to train on site, can save startup’s both time and money’

Everyone has heard or read somewhere that you need to learn coding at some point yes? Whether you’re looking for a career in the industry, starting a new hobby or just wanting to understand technology, you can benefit from learning coding.

Knowing the basics of coding will help you speak one language with your developers, which will simplify your work and further simplify the explanation of your problems

Here are 5 different links to websites with online courses available for coding right now.

1. Learn to Code for Data Analysis

Software and data make the world go round. Learn programming, to analyse and visualize open data, with this free online course.

This hands-on course will teach you how to write your own computer programs, one line of code at a time. You’ll learn how to access open data, clean it and analyse it and to produce visualizations. You will also learn how to write up and share your analyses, privately or publicly.

Duration: 4 Weeks

Study: 5 Hours/Week

Cost: Free


2. How to Code: Complex Data

Learn how to design more complex programs, using new data structures, abstraction, and generative recursion.

You will also learn how to design search programs. You will design a program to solve Sudoku puzzles, and will be able to design many other puzzle solvers as well.

Learner Testimonial

“It’s a great course and maybe one of the most important topics to master if you’re a programmer (any level). This course will teach you how to design better, cleaner and faster programs.”
— Previous Student

Duration: 6 Weeks

Study: 8–10 Hours/Week

Cost: Free


3. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics.

Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses.

Duration: 4–5 Hours/Week

Price: Free if you don’t want the certificate


4. Nanodegree Program: Learn to Code

Udacity’s Intro to Programming is your first step towards careers in Web and App Development, Machine Learning, Data Science, AI, and more! This program is perfect for beginners.

Programming knowledge is indispensable in today’s world, and learning to code is one of the most valuable and useful things you can do.

Whether you’re launching a career, advancing a career, or just excited to learn a new skill, there is no time like the present to start learning, and this program offers everything you need to get up to speed — with no prior programming skills required.

Duration: 5 Months

Study: 10 Hours/Week

Cost: Udacity has a Monthly subscription of €99


5. Code School

‘’Learn. Practice. Win’.’ The interactive learning destination for aspiring and experienced developers.

Code School is an online learning destination for existing and aspiring developers that teaches through entertaining content.

Each course is built around a creative theme and storyline so that it feels like you’re playing a game, not sitting in a classroom. We combine gaming mechanics with video instruction and in-browser coding challenges to make learning fun and memorable.

With over 60 courses covering HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, .NET, iOS, Git, databases, and more, Code School pairs experienced instructors with meticulously produced, high-quality content inspired by our community and network of members.

Cost: Code School has a Monthly subscription of €29

Browse List of Coding Courses Here

We are going to be posting more blogs about all different kinds of online courses available that will help founders with their companies.

Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin to keep up to date and to bee sure not to miss our next one!

