About Me- Kelsey L.O.

A short non-linear bio and a bouquet of random facts

Kelsey L.O.
The Lucid Prose


Portrait of author in Paris, wearing a beret, and looking out towards the Seine.
Pretentious photo taken in Paris- Credit: Author

Hi! I’m Kelsey, a Texas native in Norway who is navigating the exciting yet ambiguous realm of thirty-something- which these days is more something than thirty.

Moving from sunny Texas to chilly Norway when I was twelve is a whole story in itself — a mix of familial changes and new beginnings, a tale I’ll delve into some other time.

I’ve always been that kid full of questions about everything, driving my dad a bit nuts with my endless “whys” and “hows.” Now, I still have all those questions, but I put them down on paper (or an empty draft on Medium), trying to find answers to my questions.

My journey with writing on Medium began in 2019, following the turbulent waves of a sudden breakup. Writing helped me make sense of things and connected me with an unexpected following that resonated with my journey.

With the days of heartbreak in the rearview mirror- I’ve been exploring other curiosities and topics, which has set me on a journey where I learn more about myself every day, finding bits and pieces of what feels like home along the way by trying to understand the different facets of what it means to be alive. I’ve found that life is about the things you notice- either big or small; what we choose to direct our…



Kelsey L.O.
The Lucid Prose

Texan/Norwegian = Texawegian. Forever dwelling in the realm of possibility and curiosity. Editor of The Lucid Prose. Find me on instagram: @hellokelseylo