How I Landed My First (Paid) Freelance Writing Job

For those who can’t afford to work for free

Nile Wise
The Lucky Freelancer
3 min readJan 27, 2020


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Are you sick of having a boss and working a 9–5? Have you been dreaming of writing your way to financial freedom as a freelancer?

If so, you’ve also probably read plenty of articles that say blogging can earn you serious cash once you’ve amassed a following, but no one is talking about how you survive in the interim. Your experience may align closely with my own — I began my freelance writing career a few years ago during a bout of unemployment. I was in between jobs and looking for work that could be done online to pay the bills until I found my next salaried position.

Whether you’ve quit your job already to freelance full-time, still clock-in everyday but seek a reliable side hustle, or are currently in between jobs stressing over a depleted savings account, you may find relief in learning that an online gig that is safe, serious, and pays its writers weekly does exist.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

You still have to work for your money — sadly, I haven’t yet found a way around that part — but you have full freedom, flexibility, and autonomy over when, where, and how often you clock-in!

It’s how I had my start in the freelance world. Now, I pass it onto you.

Image: Ask Wonder. Sign up here.

Ask Wonder

Wonder is a company made up of global freelancers offering research and analysis services.

In essence, what it comes down to is this:

Clients ask questions.

Analysts conduct research and draft well-written reports.

Reviewers offer feedback and provide the final go-ahead.

Everyone gets paid.

Image: Ask Wonder

The initial application to join the community of analysts is quick and simple.

When I joined Wonder back in 2016, the application was followed by an assessment of research and writing skills.

Upon passing the assessment, I gained access to the dashboard — the central virtual location where all ongoing Wonder projects can be found.

The level of responsibility available to freelancers increases as expertise is gained.

Brass Tacks

Establishing a freelance income can take time. In the interim…

Working as a Wonder Research Analyst is one way to supplement your income from freelance writing activities right away. The job has few barriers-to-entry, and it will hone your research and writing abilities — both of which are invaluable skills if you have a long-term vision of becoming a freelance writer.

If you’re interested, follow this to link apply to join Wonder’s global freelance community.

All the best! Set yourselves free :)

We’re looking for writers. Learn more here.

