Me doing a headstand on a tall pebble

8 New Years Resolutions You Have Already Broken

Every year is my year.

Lucy Ogilvie
The Lucy Ogilvie Archives
3 min readDec 22, 2016


This is for the people who have just announced their grand intentions to get their life in order, get fit, cut back on drinking and make this year their year. I have just done the same.

This is for the people who really, really, really love leaving things to the last minute, sleeping for long periods of time, swigging from pints of cheap cider and didn’t make last year their year. I am the same.

This is for the people who have come to the conclusion that the best of both worlds is the way to go. The people who are going to the gym because they are having their cake and eating it. The people who are incredibly motivated to change but have been burnt before. The people that really love intellectual pursuits but also love laser tag. Here are the 8 amazing things to do in London that you are going to want to check out. Click on each Pearl to find out more:

The Resolution:

Go to the Gym

The Plan:

The Inevitable:

The Resolution:

Go Vegan

The Plan:

The inevitable:

The Resolution:

Stop drinking

The plan:

The inevitable:

The Resolution:

Better myself intellectually

The plan:

The inevitable:

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