Herbert Lemon #3

Last one I found from this daft brush

Lucy Ogilvie
The Lucy Ogilvie Archives
1 min readFeb 18, 2019


Life Gives You Lemon: The Liberal Fire Threatens to Burn Righteous Hearts

Dear Reader

The weather this week has been of an extraordinary temperature. The relentless heat has beaten down upon our heads with no mercy, and we have been forced to recoil in shadow and dust. Who is to blame for this sudden hell-fire?

The liberal.

We must defend our balmy English Autumn against the persistent heat scope of the left-wing tongue. How may we do this? How can we fight against those who use underhand tactics? Who hide, guiltily, in the shadow of their discourse? Those who proclaim the weather to be hot make it so — if we are to fight them, we must deny and declare it to be ‘mild’ and ‘perfect for the time of year’. Where words lead, actions follow. It shall soon be cool again come the end of Autumn — but only if we all deny the liberals their pedestal of sunshine.

Be wary of the Devil at our gates.

Herbert Lemon

