delicious tennis ball with calypso innards

Mr Peach Fuzz has a Knife

Recurring nightmare

Lucy Ogilvie
The Lucy Ogilvie Archives
2 min readJul 4, 2018


Scene 1

The stage is dark. A woman’s voice starts singing:


Oh Mr Peach Fuzz

Here he comes

Here he comes

All fingers and thumbs

Slowly the lights fade up on a figure in the centre of the stage, looking towards the floor. They are dressed in a strange outfit: A full body leotard with holes strategically cut to reveal patches of soft gingery fuzz and skin. One hole on the hair, which pokes through the top of the leotard. Two eye holes. One mouth hole. One hole on the centre of the back, one on each cheek and two holes circling the nipples — around which are two very delicate dream-catcher transfer tattoos. There are button poppers around the groin area, suggesting a further hole could be made if desired. The figure also has two very large fake hands with exceptionally long fingers, and on his feet another pair of the same fake hands. This is Mr Peach Fuzz.

Throughout the song Mr Peach Fuzz slowly looks up at the audience and raises his large hands to the lights. They look up and grin at the audience, and begin to pad around the stage in time to the singing, performing a strange little dance. Finally, the final verse of the song:

Or Mr Peach Fuzz

One two three,

Sing us a song

Or three?

Mr Peach Fuzz takes a moment, then lets forth an almighty piercing wail.



This begins comically, then turns into a scream of terror.

There is a Blackout during which the scream continues.

Scene 2

There is a quick change in the blackout. When the lights come up again there is a bed in the centre of the stage. Margot and Peter are in the bed, dressed normally. Peter sits up, like a bolt of lightning, as if waking from a nightmare. Margot sits up next to him.


You alright?


It’s a little hard to explain.


You didn’t have that recurring nightmare where you’re half-peach/half-man again, did you?


Every night the same.

Margot grabs his waist and pulls him back down onto the bed with her. She’s smiling, and the mood shifts to a playful tone. They start kissing, and it looks as if it might get intimate, but Margot pulls away suddenly and swings out of bed.

You alright?


Yeah? Why?



She falls back down onto the bed, and they begin to get kissing again. They begin to have sex.


