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Valentines Day: Proposal Bingo

The hip new game that makes any Valentines Day a fun, interactive and enjoyable experience.

Lucy Ogilvie
The Lucy Ogilvie Archives
5 min readFeb 6, 2017


Can you hear them?

They’re coming.

The proposers.

They booked the restaurant, pocketed the ring and are nervously skittering their way through the afternoon. ‘Today is the day!’ they whisper feverishly, as they stare at themselves in the mirror in the work toilet.

‘Today is the day’.

About three years ago, I witnessed one of these iconic, sweaty Valentines Day proposals. It was in a Pizza Express, and it was very romantic. The ring came in a chocolate brownie. I loved it — in some ways, I suspect, more than the bride did. It was that day I discovered my new Valentines day game:

Proposal Bingo™

The rules are simple. Guess where you think a proposal might happen on Valentines day, then camp out until you get one. If you’re successful, move onto the next spot. You get to share in their happiness, exercise and add a fun, competitive element to the day. Here are my top choices for Proposals in London. Let the games begin!

The steps of St Paul’s Cathedral

Guaranteed proposal spot for Valentines Day 2017 — the front steps will be rife with the sounds of ‘Will you…’s and ‘Yes!’s ringing out like the bells themselves.

Strada, South Bank

100% there will be a proposal in here for Valentines 2017. It will be a foreign couple who love London, and are very excited to have found an affordable Italian restaurant on South Bank to do the deed in, because they don’t realise Strada is a chain.

The South Bank in general

So much proposal potential here for Valentines 2017. So many iconic sites all along one short stretch — and enough bars to drink celebratory champers in after.

The Ritzy Cinema, Brixton

The ideal proposal spot for Valentines 2017 for the arty, young couple who love independent cinema, gluten free things and the word ‘vibe’.

Primrose Hill

Primrose Hill is both the name of a district and also of a patch of elevated parkland at the north end of Regents Park, offering great views over the city. Definite proposal likelihood for Valentines 2017. I like to go up here an re-enact my favourite scenes from Pride and Prejudice. I am always Mr Darcy.

Abbey Road Studios

Or, to be more specific, the zebra crossing outside Abbey Road Studios. They have proposals happening all year round at this iconic spot, but I suspect Valentines 2017 will see a good turnout in particular.

The London Eye

This giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames has probably had more proposals happen than you’ve had hot dinners. This is 100%, hands down, total promise, without a doubt the MOST likely place to spot a proposal. The only issue? They tend to happen in the pods themselves, so unless you happen to get trapped in there with the happy couple, you might miss it.

You may still, however, catch some ground-level proposals from cheap-skates who didn’t want to fork out for the wheel itself but still plan to feed off it’s romantic aura from just merely doing it nearby.

Discover all these suggestions and more in the Pearlshare Guide below. Happy hunting. Happy Valentines Day.

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