Work in Progress. Potentially good stuff though.

Although that’s really up to you guys, isn’t it?

Lucy Ogilvie
The Lucy Ogilvie Archives
5 min readFeb 18, 2019


Idea: Short indie musical

Plot: Two Chelsea girls decide to single-handedly save the Bumblebees; one because she wants to prove to her father that she’s independent, and the other because someone called her vapid and she wants to get more followers on Instagram. The enlist the help of Gunter, a shy retiring boy who loves nature, to come up with a solution. He ends up teaching them about what it means to do something for the right reasons — and for one girl in particular, what it means to love herself. They also save the bumblebees.

The Book So Far:

Scene One

Chloe sits on her window-bench, gazing up at the full moon. She looks wistful, thoughtful. Eventually she works up the courage, and picks up her phone. She dials.

Song: Hello Daddy

Hello daddy,

It’s me.

Yes I know that is half past three,


But I called to tell you,

I made a choice.

That I no longer need career…advoice.

I don’t want money,

I don’t want fame.

Daddy I don’t want to be the same,

As my sister.

Or as mama.

You see daddy, I want to change my path.

I don’t want to marry,

Or study law.

I don’t want to be the same as all my peers who’ve gone before.

I don’t want two houses,

Or even four,

And daddy I don’t want to own

Another horse!

Because daddy,

Please listen to me,

There’s another thing I want to do you see.

I just watched a programme,

On the TV.

And daddy,

Oh dear sweet daddy,

I want to save the beeeees!

To save the beeeees!

Buzz, honey, buzz!

I’ve finally found my cause!

Fly, star shine, fly!

I’ve finally found my hive!

To save the bees,

I do decree,

To bring them to the brink of ecstasy!

To rebuild and aid,

The bees I’ll save!

And everyone will say

Isn’t Chloe brave?

Isn’t she so great?

Buzz, sugar, buzz!

There is no greater rush.

Soar, honey, soar!

Their call I’ll make my roar!

To win the hearts

of worker and queen,

To make their world so bright and clean!

To lead the way in the eco scene,

Fuck, daddy, imma save those bees!

And everyone will know,

And everyone will say,

Chloe is so kind,

And Chloe saved the day.

The bees will have my back,

And always I’ll have theirs!

Oh daddy, dear sweet daddy,

I’ll make the planet care!

So what do you say?

What shall we save??

We’ll save the beeeessssss!

-Oh he hung up-

I’ll save the beeeeessssss!!!

End Scene

Scene Two

A trendy East London coffee shop. Vintage film posters, a chalk board declaring ‘Don’t talk to me before I’ve had my matcha’, a light indie soundtrack. There are 3–4 patrons in the cafe, their persons obscured by comically giant macbooks. The Barista has a large beard and moustache, waxed into fine points, with the word ‘latte’ running down the beard in white letters. He also wears a Hawiian shirt with a pocket watch.

Chloe opens the door, and looks around. She spots who she’s looking for;



One of the patrons, Flossie, shuts down her comically large macbook to reveal a smaller macbook behind it.










(Gesturing to Chloes bag) Cute.







Chloe sits next to Flossie. Flossie is not really listening, but instead photographing her macbook.


Babe, I’m so glad to see you. I’ve had this, crazy epiphany and I just needed to talk to someone about it. You’re like, one of my oldest friends, and I just need to talk this through with someone.


I’m an empath, so I really feel like you’re talking to me right now. I love you babe.


I love you too. Ok, so yesterday evening, this documentary came on the TV. I wasn’t going to watch it, but then I just couldn’t look away. It was about bees. And I didn’t really like bees because one bit me when I was little, but the longer I watched it, the more I realised they’re actually alot like me. They have families, and relationships, and love dancing and also, like me, I realised that all they want is to have a purpose. Just something that makes them feel like they’re contributing to the world. Then, this documentary went on, and it started to say that they’re in trouble. That they’re dying. That they need our help to live — my help. And I thought maybe that is my purpose. To help them. I really feel like it might be. It’s the first time I felt so strong about anything. What do you think? Am I mental?


Mental health is really important, and it’s great to talk to friends.


Yeah… look, what do you think I should do?

Flossie is a little annoyed she actually has to divert her attention away from her photography.


Um, yeah, I think it’s really good that you’re being, like, Richard Attenborough-


Do you mean David?


Richard David?


(moving on) -and?


-and I totally think this would be great for you to do, because it is really important to, like, sustainability adopt don’t shop.


(Pleased) Ok. Thanks.


So, like, my thing- I’m having a total nightmare and it’s affecting my work really badly.


Oh no, babe! What’s wrong?


I feel like my numbers have been doing really badly, and I don’t know why because I literally have a pinterest about my aesthetic and my depop is on fire. However the squares are where I started, and I feel like they’re betraying me, and the comments section is insanity.




Yeah, like someone said I was vapid, and I’m like ‘I don’t vape…?’




And it’s really stressing me out because I keep providing great content but the audience is, like, not responding. I’m shook. I even wrote a song about it.


Well that’s appropriate.

Song: Influencer Influenza

They say you never forget your first.

Santorini, 2015.

My hand, raised up in a victory sign,

My shoulders on a slant to show off tanlines,

A caption so simple it errs on divine:

“Loving the sun with this one”


