Ben & Jerry’s BOLD tweet

Binyam A.
Save the Aux
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2016

The internet is a fun place. You can say what you want; You can be who you want; You can misquote individuals with no fear of retribution; You can also make up statistics. My biggest issue isn’t even one of those. My issue is the time wasted on individuals you will never meet a day in your life, nor do they exist once your device’s screen goes black.

Earlier today I came across a tweet from the famous ice cream brand, Ben & Jerry’s:

A tweet from Ben & Jerry’s supporting the BLM movement

The innocent man I am came across this tweet and smiled. I thought to myself, “Wow, what a statement by such a big company.” Often big brands don’t side on social issues, not because they don’t care, but because it creates a divide in their clientele that they aren’t willing to sacrifice having. This is also why major Black Athletes catch flack for not speaking up on social injustices. They often feel they will jeopardize endorsements and deals that they’ve worked so hard to maximize. That is understood.

This smile quickly turned into a frown when reading some of the disgusting comments that followed. I’m very aware of racism in this country. I’m even aware of black empowerment bringing out the worst in some white americans. Often black empowerment is very strong and in your face, which a lot of people aren’t too enthusiastic about. Sometimes I get it. Nobody likes to be forced to think a certain way, whether it is about religion, health, or anything that hints of the concept that your life is a problem. Okay, I get it. Kinda!

This tweet was very subtle, yet direct, but did not take an overly aggressive stance. It just highlighted an issue in society. Then this pours in…

It was just an avalanche (no pun intended) of anti- Black Lives Matter social media personalities that displayed their distaste for Ben & Jerry’s support towards the cause.

Just mere rhetoric was spewed from each individual in the thread, all based around the theory of Black Lives Matter being some type of hate/terrorist group. Being a participant in a couple of the “BLM” protests, it leaves me puzzled at such comments, mainly because I’ve never heard nor experienced the terroristic approach that they have somehow associated with the name. And to be clear, I was there, and cannot say the same for people speaking strongly against the movement.

It just seems that any type of revolt, or revolution of some sort from the oppressed is an issue. But let America as a whole be in a situation where the government feels oppressed. Let’s see what happens. We went to war for less is all I am saying.

Even more than the “BLM”, I feel sorry for the innocent child in the picture, who has to grow up with bigot as a role model. Let us hope that child doesn’t grow up dismissing social injustices due to his privileges.

Thank you Ben & Jerry!



Binyam A.
Save the Aux

A music and sports enthusiast. So what do I do? Blend the worlds together.