‘BMF’ Season 1 Episode 7 ‘All In The Family’

The latest STARZ and Curtis “50 Cent” — produced crime drama takes place in Detroit where the infamous Black Mafia Family was founded. BMF tells that story with culture editor Bianca Gregg recapping each episode weekly.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
8 min readNov 15, 2021


Courtesy of Starz

Meech and Terry rush to the hospital after getting news of what occurred with Nicole and Darius. When the brothers discover their sister in one of the rooms, she still remains in shock by what she had just experienced as well as the reality that Darius is gone. Meech and Terry attempt to get some details from Nicole and she tells the brothers that the man from the mall is the same one that tried to snatch her.

When Meech makes the attempt to comfort her sister, Nicole blames him for the death of Darius and exits the hospital room. She is met with both Detective Bryant and Detective Lopez who give her the news that she must head to the precinct for questioning. Detective Bryant tells Nicole her parents are already there waiting for her and that her brothers are not to come with her.

Meech is concerned by what Nicole may say but Terry reminds him that in this moment, the concern should be on Nicole’s well-being — not the business.

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Detective Bryant is left out of the room to question Nicole but can watch the proceeding through the glass. He attempts to listen in but realizes the speakers do not work, likely an intentional move by Lopez and Mars. The line of questioning becomes extremely intense between the detectives and Nicole. Nicole plays like she did not know why Lamar would stab Darius but Mars tries to get Nicole to admit the attack was not random. Lopez asks Nicole if the attack was a result of Meech’s decisions and that question prompts Lucille to end the interview.

Meech is ready to put an end to Lamar but Terry has his reservations. Meech enlists Tiny and some of the other members of the 12th Street Gang to get retribution on Lamar. The group of men commit a drive by shooting on Lamar. A bullet hits Lamar but he is able to escape out of the home with no further injury. Tiny knows Lamar saw him and is now concerned of possible blow back on him.

Charles begins packing up Lucille and Nicole’s clothing. He insists that they must leave because the house is no longer safe. Lucille refuses to leave her home and Charles threatens to move forward with leaving with just himself and Nicole.

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Lamar breaks into Monique’s house to give himself some medical attention. Monique later comes in with Zoie and when she heads to the bathroom, she is shocked to see a bloody Lamar. She is angered at the fact Lamar would come to her home in his condition and threatens to call the police. As she tries to walk out of the bathroom, Lamar shoves her into the wall and punches her in the face. He gets her to the floor and yells at her. Zoie comes in the discover her mother on the floor bleeding, disappointed in Zoie seeing the abuse, Lamar flees the home. Monique later calls for Meech to come over. When he sees Monique’s bludgeoned face, he vows to handle Lamar for her. Monique tips Meech off to a cousin’s house Lamar apparently stayed at after coming home.

The streets are hot. Kato is narrowly arrested in a run down on one of the blocks. Detective Lopez spots her at a pay phone but appears to not make the connection.

Lucille goes to see the family’s ex-lawyer, Karen, in hopes she can convince her to take them back on as a client. At first reluctant due to the disrespect she endured at the mouth of Charles, Karen expresses a great deal of respect for Lucille and restores her services to the family. She plans to continue to fight the hospital and try to locate the doctor that did the eye surgery on Terry.

Courtesy of Starz

Kato comes to the crew to tell them what is happening on the streets. Meech suggests Terry go and talk to Big L about an extension. At the same meeting, Meech asks B Mickie to end his relationship with Kato. When Terry pays Big L a visit, he notices her extensive and expensive art collection. Big L expresses her disappoint in the brothers not being able to move product as promised and declines giving the brothers extended time.

B-Mickie and Meech head to Lamar’s cousin’s home in hopes of finding him there. Bloody tissue on the scene prove Lamar was indeed in the home but after B-Mickie nearly kills an innocent kid, the boy tells them Lamar is not there. Meech gives the boy some money.

Meech and Terry decide they need to be out on the streets moving product to meet Big L’s deadline. Terry agrees but tells Meech they would need to do it in shifts, both of them can not be out together. Meech decides to take on the first shift. During Meech’s shift, Detective Lopez runs down on the block and gets his hands on a hooded Meech. While on top of Meech, Kato comes from behind and hits Detective Lopez over the head with a pipe, resulting in him collapsing on the ground. Meech and Kato run off as Detective Bryant comes and discovers his partner on the ground bleeding heavily from his head.

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The day of Darius’s funeral has arrived. Nicole, Lucille and Charles arrive together. Terry and Wanda show up after and meet them outside. Charles is angered at Terry’s presence at the funeral but Lucille welcomes him and walks into the church with him. Pastor Swift gives a small sermon after the soloist. In his sermon he denounces the gang activity happening in the neighborhood along with the drug trafficking that has caused the untimely death of Darius. Members of the church give eyes and looks of disgusts at Terry and the rest of the family. Upon leaving the church, Lucille attempts to give condolences to Darius’s mother but she is not very welcoming to the words. She accuses Nicole of lying to the police as well as telling Lucille that Terry was the one that paid for her son’s funeral. She lashes out at Lucille by telling her that her son should have been the one killed, not Darius.

Courtesy of Starz

At the Fleonry home, the family gets ready to sit down to have dinner. Nicole hold her nephew and begins to cry. Terry comforts his sister and tells her he is completely to blame for Darius death. He apologizes to his sister for everything she has endured because of his decisions. Charles appears to take some joy in seeing his son remorseful for what has happened. When Wanda walks out of the bathroom, Lucille is waiting on her. She blames Wanda for allowing Terry to continue to sell drugs and be in the streets, citing the money and lifestyle being reasons she let it go. Lucille convinces Wanda to have a talk with Terry and getting him to stop being in the streets.

At the hospital, the news is delivered to both Bryant and Mars about Lopez’s condition. Lopez succumbs to his injury and Mars requests that Bryant head to the precinct for questioning. When Bryant expresses there is somewhere he needs to be, Mars informs him that she is aware of the envelope exchange between himself and Demetrius. She tells Bryant that if she discovers he had anything to do with Lopez’s death, Bryant will wish he was the one that was killed.

Courtesy of Starz

Kato goes to B-Mickie distraught over harming Detective Lopez. B-Mickie and Kato have their usual sex session and B-Mickie offers to head to the store for the both of them. Kato rolls back over in the bed and when someone re-enters the room, she realizes it’s Lamar. Lamar reminds Kato that sleeping with Meech’s lieutenant is not a good idea. Lamar threatens to kill B-Mickie but Kato begs him to leave him alone. In exchange for B-Mickie, Lamar tells Kato she needs to kill Meech while he goes after Terry. Lamar leaves the home but is spotted by B-Mickie. When B-Mickie re-enters his house, Kato is cooking sausage and playing stupid. B-Mickie pulls his gun on her and tells her to explain why Lamar had just left his house. Kato confesses to everything and why she helped Lamar infiltrate the 50 Boys. She begs B-Mickie to help her get rid of Lamar together.

Wanda finally gives Terry an ultimatum. She tells Terry that he must choose between herself and Terry Jr. or Meech because Terry can not go on with both. Terry tells Wanda he has a lot of money tied up in the business but Wanda no longer cares. She is only concerned now for the safety of her family.

Detective Bryant and Meech meet up to discuss what happened with Detective Lopez. Meech tells Bryant he has no knowledge of who attacked Lopez. Bryant threatens Meech and reminds him he has the power to make Meech disappear. Meech expresses he can not help Detective Bryant. Detective Bryant tells Meech to give his mother his condolences.


What a tangled web chile! B-Mickie has a chance to prove his loyalty to Meech and Terry by telling them about Kato. Will he or won’t he?

Well we all know what Terry’s ultimate choice is between Wanda and the streets. Lucille truly should not have put that girl up to that.

Lamar has not a single soul by his side anymore. He killed the one person who actually cared but I will give it to him, he appears very untouchable so far. The fall will be one that is savored, if and when it happens.

