‘BMF’ Season 2 Episode 5 ‘Moment of Truth’

The latest STARZ and Curtis “50 Cent” — produced crime drama takes place in Detroit where the infamous Black Mafia Family was founded. BMF tells that story with culture editor Bianca Gregg recapping each episode weekly.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
6 min readFeb 3, 2023


Courtesy of Starz

Well let me say, what an episode, am I right? Let’s get into this thing. The episode begins with a flashback of a family trip and everyone singing along to The Winans ‘Are We Really Doing Your Will.’ We jump to present day, Meech and Terry are heading to Atlanta while singing the same song. Along the way Meech gets his revenge on his cousin James for stealing from the family in the form of an ass whooping. Baby, Jeri curl juice was all over that asphalt.

Looks like White Girl Denise will go home after all without having to spill tea on those drugs she was caught with. Thank goodness because even though she had a bump and curl mullet — still can’t trust her. Denise eventually pleads to a lesser charge with Meech’s promise to take care of her.

Lucille is heading off to a church retreat and Charles can not understand why she would want to go anywhere while her sons are clearly in danger. When the couple part ways, Sister Riley has a little moment with Charles and Lucille is suspicious something is up between the musical pair. Lucille gives Charles a very passionate kiss goodbye, clearly an attempt at marking her territory.

Courtesy of Starz

Lamar is officially running the streets from his lair, ‘Big Coney’s.’ He has collected every single gold chain left in Ecourse and even getting free food at the restaurant after he punched the manager last season. Lamar heads to Monique’s house to profess his undying love. He actually looks a bit normal this day. He wants a second chance with Monique and asks her to think it over but judging by that gun and tone she had, Monique is over him.

Courtesy of Starz

Meech and Terry sit down with Earl in hopes of finding a way to get money in Atlanta. Terry wants to go to a dice game and make some money the old school way, I suppose. Meech and Terry head to the strip club and meet a hustler name Goldie who puts on various games in the back portion of the club. Terry bets everything the guys have on a dice game that is clearly being fixed and loses it all. Back to the drawing board for these two. How ya’ll go out of town and lose everything in less than 12 hours?

Charles is still down at Mabel’s helping around her house. She invites him over Saturday night for a little party — knowing that Lucille is out of town.

Courtesy of Starz

Detective Bryant’s son is being bullied something terrible down at the school house and Bryant wants him to defend himself. Kevin admits he is not like his father and has no desire to be. Bryant still insists on going to Kevin’s school to talk to the principal. At the school, Kevin is intimidated by his bullies and does not speak up about what has been happening to him. His father is visibly upset. Bryant goes to B-Mickie’s basement to ask for a special request. He enlists B-Mickie to confront Kevin’s bullies and he definitely puts some fear in their little hearts.

Courtesy of Starz

Meech and Terry meet a drug dealer named Ty Washington in Atlanta. They go to his place and discuss the need to cop product. Meech is also interested in learning the whip method. Ty refuses to help unless they can come back with some money so they decide to confront Goldie and get her to take them to a game where they can win some funds back. At the dice game, the runner Mike figures out Meech and Terry are cheating. He hands Terry a set of his dice and says if he doesn’t roll a seven, he will kill them. Luckily for Terry, the dice went in his favor.

Meech and Terry bring their winnings back to Ty Washington and discover who Pint is. They are willing to pay him for the whip method and Pint obliges. Now the brothers have a new skill set to take back to Detroit.

Courtesy of Starz

Lucille confronts Sister Riley about a possible affair with Charles and she regrets the accusation immediately. Sister Riley explains she made mistakes when she was young but would never sleep with Charles.

Charles decides to go to the little house party up the street and Mable is pushing up hard, along with one of her friends. Chile they in the party squeezing ass! Charles hangs around until every single party goer leaves. When he attempts to bow out for the evening, Mable gives him a kiss and well the pair end up having some ‘against the wall’ sex. Charles folded like a lawn chair chile. He gets back home and has sex flashbacks of himself and Mable — just nasty. Lucille and Nicole get back home and Lucille apologizes to Charles for how things have been between them. Lucille wants to have sex but Charles knows he gotta hit that shower first. Lucille and Charles have sex and clearly men that can’t financially support their families are winning tonight. Two points for Charles — I guess.

Lucille is busy prepping dinner and gets a knock at her door — it’s Lamar. He asks her if she is Meech and Terry’s mom and explains her sons hurt him badly. Nicole comes down the stairs and quietly sits, frightened by who is there. She calls Terry to tell him the man that killed Darius is at the house. Lucille grabs Lamar by the hands and asks if he will pray with her. Her prayer resonates with Lamar because she discusses his desire to seek revenge and that he has a bigger path in the world that God may not yet have shown him. With his gun tucked in his pants, Lamar walks away from Lucille, leaving her unharmed. She closes the door and breathes deeply.


Charles ain’t got time to get some money to buy Nicole some new bras but he had time to pull up on Mable at that nasty party. To be clear, they are both wrong for this mess! Poor Lucille, she had the right gut feelings but wrong woman and bad timing.

Lamar done snatched about 20 gold chains and wore every last one of them to Big Coney’s. Even put them raggedy gators away to visit Monique.

Speaking of Monique, I love her as ‘Goldie.’

Terry finally putting his hat back into the drug game, what took you so long?

Detective Bryant doesn’t know how to be a good cop or a good father. Why are you forcing that boy to be something he clearly is not and getting B-Mickie to go up to the school, a mess.

