The Chi Recap: Foe ‘Nem

With major cast shakeups to Showtime’s popular drama “The Chi” a lot of anticipation was built around the season 3 premiere. Columnist Bianca Gregg is here to deliver weekly recaps along with her signature wit and humor surrounding the key scenes and happenings from each episode.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
Published in
7 min readJun 22, 2020


Promotional Photo, Courtesy CBS/Showtime Publicty

Welcome back to ‘The Chi.’ I’m here to give you all the tea on tonight’s season 3 premiere. As you know, many characters are returning but a few key characters are no longer with us. I’m curious to see how things play out and I’m sure ‘The Chi’ will still deliver, so let’s get into this.

Courtesy Showtime

The episode opens up with Kevin and Keisha’s mother’s wedding. Keisha is seen running quickly to the ceremony because apparently she is extremely late. She finally arrives and the ceremony begins. Emmett’s parents, Jada and Darnell are also late arrivals to the ceremony. Dre is starting to recite her vows — a dedication to Nina, Keisha, and Kevin.

Dre admits she and Keisha may not always get along, but she promises to be there for them no matter what. She even gifts Kevin a gold necklace and Keisha a gold bracelet with the coordinates to their home. Keisha clearly is not moved. I’m definitely curious to know where the animosity is coming from.

Before the rest of the ceremony begins, Kevin leaves and gets on the bus. He arrives to a church where a funeral is happening. Ronnie is outside trying to get in. He asks Kevin to vouch for him but he tells him no. Kevin goes in and sits next to Emmett. The funeral is for Brandon and my heart drops.

He’s really gone guys.

Laverne does the eulogy and talks about how she was never loved unconditionally and how it made her a broken person. She assumed that having children would make her whole, but it didn’t. She has lost both of her sons to the streets of Chicago. She tells everyone that Brandon took her pain and brokenness to fuel his dreams.

However the city would rather see murals of her sons than to actually see them succeed.

She blames herself for their deaths as well as their environment. Laverne admits she does not regret having her sons because at least they knew unconditional love while they were alive.

Upon leaving the church, Ronnie is still outside. He runs into Brandon’s step-father who tells him he is not welcome there. Otis Perry is also in attendance and when he attempts to offer his condolences, Laverne shuts him all the way down. She also shuts down Emmett when he apologizes for her loss and says that he wants to keep Brandon’s dream alive for the city that he loved. Laverne tells Emmett he should leave Chicago because the city loves no one.

Meanwhile Otis is being watched by a young man and his girlfriend, more about them in a moment.

Kevin arrives back at the reception that Emmett is catering alone since Brandon is no longer alive. Emmett let’s Kevin know that he will be there for him if he needs someone to talk to. Kevin is still grieving Brandon heavily.

Jake and Poppa are at the reception and I am so happy to see them.

Similar to ‘The Wire,’ the youth have definitely captured my heart simply because I want happiness for them.

Emmett is down in the kitchen area and his mom comes down to check on him. She asks him if he needs help, he declines. Jada expresses to him that he did not have to work the reception and that he does not have to be strong for her. Emmett says he is okay and immediately discusses his mom coming to the reception with his father. Clearly the reconciliation between Emmett’s parents still makes him a bit uncomfortable.

The food is served and it is not a hit at all. I mean Emmett tried considering he was a one man team, the comments on the chicken took me out.

Meanwhile Jake, Poppa and Ebony head to the kitchen to drink. Kevin meets them there and they pour out some of the wine for both Brandon and Jake’s brother Reg. Emmett sits and talks to Keisha and she admits to him she does not like Dre and is also nervous about leaving Chicago. Emmett tells her that she needs to go in order to achieve her highest potential.

I’m side eyeing these two, I think feelings are still afoot.

Since the food was a disaster, pizzas are ordered much to Emmett’s chagrin.

At least he still got paid ya’ll.

Keisha joins the boys in the kitchen for a drink but they are interrupted by Dre. She wants them to come join in on the ‘Cha Cha Slide.” At that moment we realize Kevin has a crush on Ebony but he is worried Jake is trying to get with her also.

That night Otis meets up with the young man that killed Reg. We quickly realize it was a set-up when Reg’s killer is shot in the head by the young man that was watching Otis at the funeral. Turns out that young man is Reg and Jake’s oldest brother Trig. He expresses that he wants custody of Jake and that Jake should have been with him in the first place. Otis tells Trig that their mother gave Jake to him and that he will not be giving him up.

I smell a problem brewing.

Emmett gets home and Tiffany is bottling up weed, is she selling weed? I guess we’ll see more of this.

Emmett tells her about Laverne and that he truly wants to continue with Brandon’s dreams, not just for Brandon’s legacy but for himself and Tiffany as well. Tiffany knows that Brandon’s death is taking a toll on Emmett.

Meanwhile, Nina and Dre are getting ready for their honeymoon. Dre pays Keisha to look after the house and Kevin while they are gone. Nina also gives Keisha the rest of the money she owes Emmett and tells her to pay him the rest.

Dre and Nina arrive to their hotel and some steamy sex occurs between the two.

The next day Kevin, Poppa, and Jake are at the house smoking and hanging out. Keisha is over dressed and heading out to likely go pay Emmett. Once Keisha leaves they immediately invite Ebony and some of her friends over. She agrees to come by and when she does, she bring Myesha along.

Myesha is clearly over her crush on Kevin and good because Poppa has his eyes set on her. Kevin gives his blessing to Poppa to pursue Myesha. Things go well between the two of them and by the end of the evening Myesha is smitten with Poppa. Poppa tries to give the guys advice on women but they don’t listen, typical.

Keisha shows up to Emmett and Tiffany’s place to pay him the rest of the catering money. She is hesitant to come in but Emmett tells her it’s fine. They briefly discuss their conversation at the wedding but Tiffany interrupts to let Keisha know she does not mind her coming by to drop off money to Emmett but next time do not show up dressed like a hooker.


Keisha reminds her that she is dressed like that for her man and not for Emmett. Whew, a clap back!

Trig meets up with his mother to convince her to head to the courthouse and request to have Jake back. At first she does not want to do it because she feels he is better off with Otis Perry. Trig let’s her know that he wants better for Jake, better than what he had and what Reg had. Their mother decides that she will go to the courthouse to get custody of Jake again.

Ronnie is at the bar and back to drinking. Come on now Ronnie.

He finds out that people are still talking about him killing Coogi and feels that everyone needs to let him live now. Ronnie is quickly reminded that no matter what, some people will never let it go.

Ronnie orders another drink but the men at the bar tell him he should slow down. He cancels the drink and leaves the bar.

That night we see Keisha sitting at the bus stop texting the guy she is currently dealing with. Ronnie walks pass her and she is clearly shaken by his presence. They look at one another but Ronnie continues down the street.

The bus is seen driving up to the bus stop but when the driver opens the doors, Keisha is gone. Her cracked cell phone is left behind. Um, WHAT!


I understand why Jason Mitchell had to go but man did “Brandon” have to go too?

I really did not want Reg to be dead. I actually enjoyed his character in both seasons 1 & 2.

I know Keisha did not just get snatched up right after making a decision of what college she wants to go to. Do not play with me Lena!

