Lowkey Lost

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
Published in
6 min readJun 15, 2020

Welcome back ‘Insecure’ family. Your friendly neighborhood ‘Insecure’ enthusiast is here to give you a final cup of tea for this season. That’s right, we have reached the icing portion of the ‘Insecure’ season 4 cake and I am sad to say goodbye.

Courtesy HBO/Warner Media Press

Last week we saw what may have been the final nail in the coffin for Molly and Issa’s friendship. We also saw the beginning of a major choice Issa may have to make between Lawrence and Nathan.

This week we open up with Issa and Lawrence at a farmer’s market. Lawrence reveals he got the job in San Francisco. He asks Isaa if distance is a deal breaker and it isn’t. She is willing to travel and potentially move.

Issa tells Lawrence at this point in her life she just wants to be around people that make her happy and that is Lawrence. The two hug and kiss.

Baby I love this!

Molly and Andrew are at a work function for Molly’s firm. They stand by the bar and trade jokes at the expense of Torian. When Molly and Andrew are invited to the bar after the function, Molly wants to go but Andrew does not. Of course Molly being Molly, convinces Andrew to go.

Issa stops by Nathan’s barbershop to see the space in the back that Nathan has offered for her next event — she loves the space. Nathan talks about his plans to sell products and give free cuts in that area. He also takes time to apologize about the things he said about Lawrence. He admits he was hurt that the two got back together. Issa tells him she wants to remain friends but makes it clear that Lawrence is her main stain.

I know that’s right sis! Claim your man!

Andrew and Molly get back to Molly’s apartment. Molly clearly had a great time but Andrew isn’t so pleased. He tells Molly he recorded the finale of “Finding Letoya” but Molly says she needs a nap. Andrew jokes that he will just watch without her and Molly tells him that’s not cool. Andrew says that everything has to be done on her schedule and BOOM, let me grab the popcorn. He tells Molly that everything is on her time and brings up her flaking on the basketball game with his brother. Molly gets offended and Andrew tells her she can’t just let things go.

In the midst of their argument, Kelli is calling. Molly answers and is asked to come over to Tiffany and Derek’s home. Everyone is there including Issa. Tiffany has been gone since the night before and Derek is frantically calling hospitals to see if she is there. The group heads to the movie theater, the last place Derek knew Tiffany went.

When they get there, they ask several people if they’ve seen her. Kelli notices that there’s a bar and the group heads over to ask the bartender if he remembers seeing Tiffany. He tells them that she had four margaritas and took an Uber to get some food. The girls recall the last time Tiffany drank four margaritas and realizes she revisited the very Mexican restaurant they had went to on that day.

When they get to the restaurant the waiter doesn’t remember Tiffany however there are cameras available. He allows them to review the footage to see if Tiffany was there. Kelli is hilariously telling the waiter to zoom in on the footage.

I love Kelli!

Tiffany is spotted in the restaurant and getting on a bus. Everyone gets on the bus and they start calling various hotels in search of Tiffany. Derek blames himself for everything Tiffany is going through. He admits he knew she was not happy but never imagined things would get to this point. Issa tells him that he did nothing wrong and that none of this is his fault. She also mentions that she can see that he gained five pounds in supportive weight. Derek corrects her and tells her it was actually 15 pounds. Chile!

Kelli locates Tiffany at the Sheraton hotel. When they make the attempt to tell the bus driver to stop he tells them he can not hear anything beyond the line. Kelli steps back and demands he stops the bus. He still insists on not stopping so she takes action and opens the bus doors. The driver flags down the police and they stop Kelli. The white man that was on the bus that “admired” Kelli so much lied and told the police that Kelli assaulted the driver. Thankfully Molly intervenes and let’s the officers know she is a lawyer and questions why they are being stopped. The officer let them go, and they head to Tiffany’s room.

Derek is nervous but he knocks on her door. Tiffany answers and clearly she is out of it. She hugs Derek and let’s him know she is sorry and chile I cried.

Postpartum Depression is all too real for me and I recalled the time I told my husband sorry for lashing out on him because I was depressed.

Thank you Issa for showing this.

Courtesy HBO/Warner Media Press

Molly and Andrew catch up on the events with Tiffany and Molly wants to continue their previous discussion. Sadly it appears Andrew is done. He feels the two are not on the same page and maybe they just are not meant to be together. Molly tells Andrew he is giving up and that she is willing to work on their relationship. She talks about even going to therapy together. Andrew asks her why she is doing this, and questions what, at this point, is she fighting for?

Molly tearfully stares at Andrew.

He’s right.

Lawrence shows up to Issa’s and is clearly bothered by something. When Issa tries to joke with him about not getting much sleep after the Tiffany situation, he does not laugh. Issa asks him what is going on and he tells Issa that Condola came over to see him. She had to tell Lawrence some news and of course she is pregnant.

I gagged!

I almost cried!

Why Lawrence?

In this scene we jump back and forth between Lawrence receiving the news from Condola and telling Issa what happened. Issa is clearly hurt. Lawrence tells her this happened before they had got back together. Condola makes it clear to Lawrence that she is keeping the baby and that he can decide how involved he wants to be. She also let’s Lawrence know that she always wanted children and since it did not happen with her ex-husband, she wants to have this child. Lawrence tells Issa that he wants to be with her and that this does not change that but clearly Issa can not wrap her head around the situation.

She tells Lawrence this is too much for her.

Issa goes out to the balcony to smoke and of course food is needed after such a bomb is dropped and, well, weed is in your system.

She heads to her favorite Ethiopian restaurant and Molly is there waiting for her. This time Molly reached out and the two clearly look relieved to be together but hurt by their personal woes.

Allow the real healing to begin.

An absolutely beautiful ending to such a turbulent finale.


I can not believe we are going the Girl Melanie, Derwin “Ding-Dong” Davis and Janay route right now! Oh no ma’am!

Kelli is forever a favorite and a damn rider for her friends.

Thank you to Issa and Penny for telling a story so familiar to many new mothers including myself. I think we all shared a collective cry in that moment. Until next season my loves.

We at BALDWIN take Postpartum depression seriously and stan for mothers everywhere — especially our beautiful Black mothers (that includes our amazing columnist Bianca Gregg). If you, a friend, or family member are going through postpartum and need to talk, please visit Postpartum Support International or call their 24-hour hotline at 1–800–944–4773.

