‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Season 1 Episode 10 ‘Heart of Darkness’

Culture Editor Bianca Gregg brings to you ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ recaps each Sunday as the episodes air. Focusing on Tariq St. Patrick who is now in college, the show features familiar faces, and new formidable characters.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
6 min readJan 4, 2021


Courtesy of Starz

When we think back to how ‘Power Book II’ began, it’s amazing — many of us have found ourselves rooting for Tariq St. Patrick even after he killed his own father and often blamed him for the misfortunes of their family. The season finale found us at a very interesting crossroads. And now, the recap.

Tonight’s episode opened with Monet getting her revenge on Rico for shooting up her bar as well as nearly killing Dru. Worried about potential blow back for the killing, Monet begins to worry about where Officer Ramirez has been. Monet is still unaware of Ramirez demise at the hands of Cane, who gets rid of the body but kept the gun and badge.

Tariq must testify for his mother in court. He heads to class prior to court and is informed by Lauren, class is still cancelled due to interviews still being conducted over the murder on campus. Everett is being interviewed by Jabari and Cari. He begins to reveal his knowledge of what happened but quickly changes his story at the direction of Professor Milgrim. As Jabari and Cari walk back to their office, Zeke is there waiting. After requesting to speak to her alone, he expresses his worry about her talking to the police and thinks it may be a good idea to tell his family. Cari assures Zeke he will not get mixed up in the case and seals her promise with a kiss.

Cane goes to visit Dru in the hospital where he continues to express his hate for Tariq even though Dru tries to remind him that the entire situation started because of him. In the midst of his rant, Cane admits to killing Ramirez. Dru tells him he made a stupid decision out of selfishness and tells Cane to leave.

Courtesy of Starz

Tariq enters the courtroom. Riley and Tameka are both in attendance. Saxe opens his questioning asking Tariq about possible abuse between his father and Tasha. He also asks Tariq if he was at Truth the night of his father’s murder and if he saw his mother at the club. Tariq denies seeing his mother but says he saw Saxe there with a gun. Tariq also reveals that Saxe followed him the night of his birthday to his father’s grave after he had been drugged. Tariq attempts to get Saxe to admit that Riley helped him get the admission at is father’s grave.

The judge has Saxe and Davis enter her chambers to get clarity on what is happening. Steven Ott and Tameka enter the chambers and reveal they know what happened with Tariq the night of his birthday. Steven Ott strikes a deal that as long as Tasha testifies that Tommy killed Ghost and gives up his organization, she will go free. Tasha is hesitant about going into witness protection without Tariq but she takes the deal. Tasha is a free woman.

Tariq is back on campus and Zeke pays him a visit. He updates Tariq on what is happening with the police questioning the team about the incident on campus. He let’s Tariq know that Dru’s name has come up during the investigation. Tariq meets up with Diana and she tells Tariq that they can not receive help from Ramirez anymore because of Cane. Tariq vows to protect Diana.

Jabari arranges a meeting for himself and Tariq. He asks if he knows Dru and Tariq denies it. Jabari decides that he wants to lay his cards on the table. He tells Tariq he knows that he sells drugs and that he has involvement with the murder on campus. Baby what a fool! He tells Tariq he wants to use him for his next novel and is willing to give Tariq money. Detective Santana comes into Jabari’s office right on time for Tariq to realize just how knowledgeable Jabari is. He gives Tariq a phone number so they can further discuss their deal later.

Courtesy of Starz

Tasha goes to see Monet in hopes of getting Tariq out of the business. Monet tells Tariq she changed her organization based on his promises, and that her son, Tasha’s son, is as good as hers. In the midst of their conversation, the bar is shot up again. Tasha is able to catch a glance of the car — Tommy.

Tasha rushes to the campus to warn Tariq the Tommy is back. She demands he pack his things so they can go on the run. Tariq refuses to leave and tells Tasha everything will be okay, he just needs time to get money. Tasha reminds Tariq that Tommy is a killer and Tariq reminds her that he is too. He gives Tasha a phone with his phone number in it so she can call him.

Meanwhile, Monet goes to see Lorenzo thinking the shooting was a result of her killing Rico. Lorenzo demands she brings Cane back but she tells him that Ramirez is who she needs. Monet goes to see Cane and finds out that Cane killed him. Huge mistake Cane.

Tariq meets up with Tommy where his uncle tells him that he will kill Tasha for testifying against him and for killing Keisha. Tariq decides to strike up a deal with him. Saxe is tipped off that Tommy is back in New York. Saxe and other members of the FBI put a detail on Tasha knowing that Tommy is trying to track her down. When Tommy appears, the police assume they have him right where they want him. During a high speed chase in the city, Tommy ends up in a fatal crash. The plan worked. The police now think Tommy is dead. With things seemingly squared up between the St. Patrick’s and Tommy.

Tariq meets up with Jabari for the money. Jabari asks who killed the GTG member at the pool. Cane appears and shoots Jabari assuming that Tariq has been snitching on the family. Tariq reassures killing him will not help Cane’s situation but he tells Cane that they need to get rid of Jabari because he knows too much. Tariq takes Ramirez’s gun from Cane to finish off Jabari. Jabari pleads for his life but Tariq tells him that he brought all of this on himself for jeopardizing his family.

Tariq kills Jabari.

Courtesy of Starz

The following night, Tommy calls Tariq to see if the plan worked. Tommy asks if they are still planning to run and Tariq tells him yes. Tasha goes to visit Reina’s grave and Tariq pops up on her. Tommy is also hiding in the grave yard waiting for his chance to kill Tasha but the FBI intercepts and takes Tasha into witness protection. Once the area is clear, Tommy jumps out and tells Tariq he should have killed Tasha when he had a chance because he knew Tariq would pull something.

Monet comes behind Tommy, grabs his gun and her own and has them both pointed at him. She tells Tommy she knows he was the one that came to her bar and killed one of her men. Tariq tells Tommy that he understood now why his father had to do the things he did and he hopes one day Tommy will feel he is deserving of Ghost’s name. Tommy leaves the graveyard and Monet realizes that Tariq did actually kill his father. The pair head to the car that Dru and Diana are already in.


We saw many parallels as this season moved along. The ultimate irony was Tariq becoming his father in many ways. The finale put that on display. From Tariq’s chess move in the courtroom, to the deal he struck up with Tommy, Tariq is eclipsing Ghost.

My favorite line was delivered by Monet tonight: “Don’t need no balls bitch! Just a piece of steel and the upper hand.” Whew!

This season laid the framework beautifully for season two and I can not wait.

