‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’ Season 3 Episode 7 ‘Where All Are Guilty’

Entertainment Editor Bianca Gregg is back with her weekly recaps of all things Power Universe with the return of ‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan.’ The saga continues with the origin story of one of the universe’s most notorious characters; Kanan.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
7 min readJan 20, 2024


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Is it safe to say we are watching the Thomas family begin to crumble in real time? Now this family was never a perfect one between messed up childhoods and various secrets but more times than not — they stuck together. Can we also get into the friendship between Kanan and Famous — what is happening? Okay let’s dissect.

Things are becoming so ugly between Kanan and Famous that it is hard to even watch. Ronnie has clearly become not only Kanan’s partner but his muscle. Although I was cool with the roughing up they gave Paul, I did not respect Kanan telling Ronnie that Famous likes to talk. Now Famous may be lazy, unmotivated and a moocher but I would not classify him as a snitch and Kanan knew Ronnie would talk that statement and run with it. Allowing Ronnie to press Famous like that was pretty messed up but considering Famous is now back with his mom — maybe he can find some peace now. We all know that murder will resurface and Famous will have to face the consequences, whatever that may look like.

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Raq has officially taken over Unique’s business and honestly our girl is really a business woman. She asked the folks at the Chinese restaurant all the right things and spoke with the Uncle who happens to own 20 other restaurants around the city. Raq is now looking at an entire network to hustle through. She’s back!

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Now why did Malcolm’s slimey behind not tell Raq that Marvin is being pulled into this investigation now? Honestly all of his antics are going to catch up with him and it will likely rock the entire department. Captain Baptiste locked in Malcolm’s move to Narcotics and when things begin to come out — he will be out of a job. The catch for Malcolm’s official promotion is a thorough background check which he appeared to be a little concerned about. We saw the writings on the wall for Shantel as soon as she spoke with Malcolm instead of Detective Peng, he took that information right over to Raq who informed Marvin about Lou Lou visiting Shantel.

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Butta is progressing out here. They got a gig at the mall opening up for Shanice but the competition to be the lead is still pretty fierce. We later discover that Iesha may have an eating disorder, it’s not confirmed but she seems to be making herself vomit often after meals. Jukebox is in the bathroom when she comes out of the stall and Iesha says she must have eaten something bad, but Juke tells her it seems she eats something bad a lot. Iesha tells her she is working on things. Kanan is chatting with Krystal when Iesha and Juke enter the room. Kanan and Iesha are heading out to a movie. When they leave, Jukebox confronts Krystal about her flirting with Kanan. She tells Krystal to stay away from her cousin.

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Marvin is truly Gerald’s guardian angel. He walked in on Gerald coming off of a high while his daughters sat in a cold car waiting for him to come. Marvin brings the girls in the house and lights Gerald p for his irresponsible and dangerous behavior. Marvin fixes some food for the girls and tells Gerald he needs to get his act together. According to Gerald, the girl’s mother is out of the picture because she is also a user and his family wants nothing to do with him because he steals. Marvin reminds him that he does not have to do it alone because he will be there for him along the way.

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On their date, Kanan starts to move a little too fast for Iesha. After the second time Kanan ignores her request to slow down, she insists on going home. Kanan makes her take the train alone to get back.

Marvin pays his brother a visit and roughs him up, good for running his mouth to Raq’s mother. Lou Lou was so drunk that day and of course he can’t remember saying any of it to her. Marvin informs him that he will be the one cleaning the situation up.

Chile Julianna and Ronnie are messing with each other in Unique’s house. Pernessa walks in and catches them together, she questions why the lady from the bodega is there. Julianna wants Ronnie to make sure Prenessa does not tell anyone that they are seeing each other. The following day Ronnie catches up with Pernessa and threatens her. He says whoever did the things at the tailor shop is still out there. He even says that she is the only person her son Jerome has left.

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Down at the precinct Burke’s father, Patrick, comes by to pick up some of Shannon’s things from her desk. Malcolm asks Patrick how he is holding up and honestly, I can not wait for Malcolm to get exposed because he is out for himself only. When Patrick expresses heavy guilt for all the mistakes he made with his daughter, Malcolm offers some comfort via fake understanding. Later on, Burke’s father meets up with Burke’s ex-girlfriend, Adina, and tries to find out if Burke may have said anything that would explain her actions. He does offer an apology to her for how he behaved toward her and Shannon. Adina has no actual answer for Patrick except for everything she was going through at the job. When Patrick mentions her obsession with Malcolm, Adina tells him she refuses to go anywhere near Malcolm and she wants to stay out of it.

Jukebox pays a visit to Kanan to set him straight on his treatment of Iesha. First she is stopped by two men guarding the apartment door and shows no fear with either of them. Ronnie comes out and confirms that she is Kanan’s cousin. Once she comes into the apartment she rips into him for how he is speaking to her and mentions what happened with Iesha. When Kanan laughs off the seriousness of the situation, Jukebox pushes him. He tells her that the singing group and Iesha will be fine and that Iesha may be more of her speed. Juke tells Kanan none of the stuff he is doing makes him grown and that he is still a scared little boy trying to prove to his mother that he is a man.

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Juke visits Raq and informs her of what Kanan has been up to. She tells him about his partnership with Ronnie and his dealings with Snaps and Pop. Raq also finds out Famous has moved out. Jukebox warns Raq that Kanan is changing and he is not the same person anymore.

Meanwhile, Kanan decides to visit Krystal at her home — MESS! Apparently Krystal boldly invited him over and clearly he liked that. Iesha girl, you are in for a heartbreak my dear.

Marvin drives Lou Lou over to Shantel’s home, he is ordered to kill her. Lou showed up for this job drunk too. He gets out of the car and stumbles over to the front door of her home. When Shantel lets Lou in, he immediately draws his gun and tells her that he did not want to do this — apologizing before shooting her in the chest. He stumbles out of her home and gets back into the car with Marvin. As they are riding off, Lou Lou looks into the window of Shantel’s home and sees Scrap staring back at him from the window.

New episodes of “Raising Kanan” are available Friday at midnight on the STARZ app, all STARZ streaming, and on-demand platforms. On linear, new episodes will premiere every Friday at 8pm ET/PT on STARZ.

