‘Queen Sugar’ Season 5 Episode 8 ‘June 3, 2020’

Resident re-capper and Baldwin Culture Editor Bianca Gregg visits the rich canes and hollowed lands in ‘Queen Sugar’ each Tuesday, delivering to you the lineage and background of this generational drama executive produced by Ava DuVernay.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
5 min readApr 7, 2021


Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Blue is having nightmares about his father’s interaction with a white officer. He dreams of himself running from the officer that has his gun drawn. Meanwhile, Darla’s mom is still pushing for Blue to attend the private school in D.C. Blue has already been admitted due to him being gifted and being Black during such a turbulent time and racial unrest in the country. Darla is still no on board because she does not want Blue to be a token.

Davis breaks into Charley’s to check on her. Charley tells him to put on a mask, she thinks she has COVID. Charley is struggling to breathe and is sweating heavily. Davis is able to turn her on to her stomach for some relief. He calls their doctor immediately. Davis tells Charley she needs to be in bed so she can stabilize her breathing. Too weak to make it upstairs to her bedroom, Davis carries her to her room.

Vi and Nova catch up with one another. They discuss Ralph’s happiness with being married and Vi asks Nova if marriage is coming to her. Nova feels she and Calvin are not ready yet but Vi thinks Calvin is. Vi also tells Nova that Hollywood is still up and down with his grief and emotions since his mother’s passing. When Calvin finally returns home, Nova decides a discussion about marriage should happen. Turns out Calvin is ready for marriage or atleast a deeper partnership with Nova. The ball is really in Nova’s court.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Darla calls Vi to vent about her mother getting Blue into the private school in D.C. She tells Vi that Ralph seems to actually be considering the school but Vi assures Darla he would not allow Blue to move elsewhere. Vi volunteers to help Ralph realize that Blue needs to stay put in St.Jo. Hollywood reminds Vi that she is supposed to be staying out of the situation. Later that day, Vi calls Darla’s mother and jumps right into the situation with Blue. The both of them have a very heated exchange, more so Vi becoming very angry. Hollywood comes in and asks Vi what is causing her to react this deeply over Blue but she storms out of the room.

Charley rests in bed while Davis watches at her bed side. He thinks back to the pain he caused Charley with the affair he had on her. He gets up to wake Charley and take her temperature. He admits there has not been much improvement and if she needs to go into the hospital he will take her. Charley does not want to take a bed from someone who may need it more, but Davis tells her it is okay to need to go to the hospital. He also feels Charley should tell Micah about what is happening to her and allow him to decide if he wants to come be by her side. Later on Charley has a horrible coughing fit and Davis runs in, mask-less, to give her water. Charley worries about Davis not having his mask on but at this point he does not care.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Ralph and Darla discuss Blue going to D.C. Ralph feels he can not protect Blue forever and going away may be a help tp him. Ralph wants Blue to have options without any limitations. However Darla believes the best does not need to be elsewhere Darla feels they should be proud that Blue is gifted enough to get into such a prestigious school but he is not going anywhere.

Hollywood and Ralph have a drink via FaceTime. The pair toast to the beautiful Black women in their lives. Hollywood admits that he loves Vi but he misses time with the fellas and Ralph agrees. Vi surprises Hollywood with a romantic dinner with all of his favorite food, including his mother’s macaroni and cheese. She tells Hollywood the dinner is to just show gratitude for all he does and because she knows he has had a rough few months. She reminds Hollywood that it is okay for him to open up about not being okay. That night Vi gets a call from Darla telling her Blue is not going to D.C. Vi shares the news with Hollywood who seems happy of course. Hollywood shares his idea with Vi about creating an online space for men to come together and just talk. Vi thinks it is a wonderful idea. Hollywood also takes the opportunity to dig further into why Vi snapped on Darla’s mom but of course he does not get any answers. Nice try Hollywood.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Charley dreams about Micah at the protest. She awakens to a sleeping Davis who also wakes up immediately. Charley appears to be getting better but she is still fatigued. Davis tells her the good news is that she will be okay. Charley asks that Davis keeps her sickness between the both of them. She does not want the family worrying about her or asking questions. Davis agrees to the terms.

Darla, Ralph and Blue play a game of Jenga together as a family. The family time pushes Ralph to realize that Blue is just fine with he and Darla. He does not want to be separated from Blue.


Nova gets a new case to work on and I can not help but wonder if somehow Calvin will tie into this story.

Charley and Davis had a lot of moments in this episode. Do I see a flame being rekindled?

Aunt Vi what are you hiding from us. My husband predicts a child, I actually agree.

