‘Queen Sugar’ Season 5 Episode 9 ‘In Summer Time to Simply Be’

Resident re-capper and Baldwin Culture Editor Bianca Gregg visits the rich canes and hollowed lands in ‘Queen Sugar’ each Tuesday, delivering to you the lineage and background of this generational drama executive produced by Ava DuVernay.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
5 min readApr 14, 2021


Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Blue searches around for his history packet and discovers his acceptance letter to the private school in D.C. Initially he seems eager to attend the school until his parents tell him he would have to live with his grandmother to go. Blue expressed that he never wants to be far from his parents so he would rather not go.

Hollywood is working on his invites for his virtual men’s support group. Vi is in search of her phone and upon discovering, Hollywood asks her who she is going to call. Vi admits she was going to call Nova and ask her to check in on Ralph Angel and the private school situation. Hollywood tells her to call Ralph herself and that involving someone else is still meddling.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Davis wakes Charley up while he fixes the glass he had to break to get into her home a few days prior. Charley realizes just how much care and attention Davis has been paying her the last few days. Davis went shopping for Charley, he is cooking for Charley and offers to continue to cook for her if she would like.

Vi gives Ralph a call and tells him she is happy that he came to his senses about Blue and the private school. Although Vi tries to help, her story about a young lady she knows that did not get into college but became a manager at a supermarket seems to make Ralph second guess things. Ralph later calls Micah and updates him on Blue’s offer. Micah thinks it is a great opportunity that could open many doors for Blue. Ralph may be having a change of heart about what is best for his son.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Davis is in the kitchen cooking up a meal and expressing how proud he is of Micah. Micah was featured on the news and Davis was very impressed by it. He and Charley think back to moments when Micah was younger. They talk about the phase of a child wanting to do their own thing and Micah’s spoiled phase. They have clearly done a great job.

Ralph goes to talk to Blue and presents him with a special gift, a Black Panther action figure. Blue expresses his excitement but also his sadness about Chadwick’s passing. Ralph tells Blue that someone like him lives on forever. Blue decides he will keep the action figure as a collector’s item. The pair do the Wakanda Forever greeting. Later that day, Ralph overhears Blue speaking to one of friends and telling him that he wants to be a farmer. Ralph decides it is time to talk to Darla.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Darla and Ralph talk to Blue about his dreams. He tells them he had dreams about being an astronaut and the President. When Ralph asks him if he decided not to be a farmer, what would he want to be? They ask Blue that if arrangements were made for him to visit during the holidays and weekends would he be willing to attend the school in D.C. Blue says he would. Ralph calls a family meeting. Blue announces to everyone that he will be going to school in D.C. Everyone seems to be very happy for Blue but Vi is clearly shaken by the news. While on the video call, she sends a text to Ralph saying she wants to talk to him about the decision. When Vi finally gets on the phone with Ralph she shames his decision to send Blue to D.C. Ralph is sure to remind Vi that Blue is his child and that he is tired of her trying to control the choices he makes for his son. Vi ends the call by telling Ralph that his father would be ashamed of his decision.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Nova has finally gotten in touch with Andre Nixon, the subject of a new case she is working on. She meets him at a park. He expresses that he is a huge fan of her work. He begins to tell his story to Nova and how he had a scholarship to college. He begged the officers not to take him in and instead the offers took him into a dark alley and took turns beating him. He said the last officer was the one that served to blow that broke his back. Nova asks if he remembers the badge numbers or names of the officers from the incident. Andre says he could never forget the officer that put him in a wheelchair, the officer was Calvin.


Nova, girl. We knew you were going to find out something horrific about that man of yours and looky-looky!

Vi said some horrible things to Ralph and clearly there is something deeper here. Not sure if she can comeback from those comments though.

Charley I can not believe you just let Davis leave after everything he did. That was your chance to tell that man to stay.

