‘Queen Sugar’ Season 6 Episode 2 ‘And Dream With Them Deeply’

Resident re-capper and Baldwin Culture Editor Bianca Gregg visits the rich canes and hollowed lands in ‘Queen Sugar’ each Tuesday, delivering to you the lineage and background of this generational drama executive produced by Ava DuVernay.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
6 min readSep 15, 2021


Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

We pick up from last week in the hospital after Prosper was pushed by an officer at Nova’s vaccination drive. Vi and the rest of the family worry about his condition. No one can enter his room just yet. Vi says she made contact with his daughter, Billy, who resides in Chicago. Billy arrives and is upset that Prosper was even at the vaccine event. She immediately wants to establish that she is the only blood relative there and that she holds all of the paper work.

While Micah sits outside on his phone, an officer pushes him out of the way of a patient in a wheelchair. It triggers him to think about his own encounter with the police as well as the incident with Prosper. Hollywood asks him if he is okay and invites him to the opening of “The Spot.”

At the meeting Charley is having in California, she is being pushed to become a state senator. They ask her if she has any sensitivities that she does not want out there. Charley assures them there is nothing that should come up.

Vi and Billy disagree on the treatment of Prosper which prompts Vi to remind Billy that she was not there the last time her father was hospitalized. Triggered by what Vi said, Billy tells the doctors she does not want the Bordelon family to have visitation in the hospital. She partially blames them for what happened to her father.

Micah finally gets in touch with his mother and tells her about Prosper being in a coma. Charley tells Micah she will be home on the next flight. He did not want his mother to feel she needed to rush back but Prosper is like a second father to her. Vi also makes a call to Charley and tells her about Billy’s antics at the hospital.

Hollywood walks in on Vi packing up a care package she says she is taking to the church. He tells Vi that the a news crew is coming to the opening of “The Spot.” Vi encourages him to do it even though things are a little rough with Prosper. Hollywood tells Vi he needs her there early being as though she is his good luck charm. She assures him she will be there.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Ralph and Darla have their appointment to find out the sex of the baby. It’s a little girl. The couple point out her features on the sonogram photo. Their excitement is so pure. The couple have a picnic later to discuss some of their birthing plans. Darla wants to have a home birth. She did not like how understaffed the hospital appeared and feels a home birth is safer for herself and the baby. Ralph seems nervous about a home birth but is willing to try it so long as if things start to go wrong, Darla agrees to go to a hospital.

Charley arrives at the hospital. She and Billy embrace after not seeing one another for some years. Billy explains to Charley that she felt it best that Prosper not get any visitors right now. She needs peace to figure things out. Charley tells her that she regrets missing her father’s last moments because she was busy chasing money. She also tells Billy to honor him by allowing others to love him. Although Billy listens, it appears she is sticking to her guns.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Hollywood shows Micah ‘The Spot.” He has an area with seating for the guys to comfortably sit and discuss whatever they have going on. Meanwhile we see who Vi has been sneaking things to. A battered woman and her son, as we know Vi holds these things close to her heart. Vi is the one who is paying for the family to stay in the hotel. Gabriel asks Vi to stay for dinner and hesitant at first, she calls Hollywood and tells him there was an issue at the restaurant and once she’s done she will be at “The Spot.”

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Darla prepares a very health meal for she and Ralph to eat. She wants to start eating meat only three times a week. She asks Ralph if he can pick up her prescription from the pharmacy. Ralph explains to Darla that going to the hospital makes him feel down but she assures him Prosper will be okay. Nova goes to see Billy about the incident at the hospital.

Nova asks that Billy not shut Vi out of caring and helping with Prosper. Nova emphasizes the fact that Vi brought Prosper into her home at the height of Covid. Billy says she invited him to come to Chicago but he did not want to leave St.Joe. Billy agrees to allow Vi to visit Prosper in the hospital.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Vi gets home and Hollywood casually questions her on where she was. He said he went by the restaurant and did not see her there. She said they must have crossed paths because when she got to “The Spot” he was already gone. Hollywood asks her to take a seat and watch his news segment. When Vi compliments Hollywood on how he looks he sarcastically says he did not need his good luck charm after all.

Courtesy of OWN/Discovery

Ralph goes to Prosper’s room and sees his bed is empty. He immediately begins to think the worse, until Prosper comes around the corner, walking on his own. Ralph immediately shows Prosper the sonogram picture of his daughter. He wanted Prosper to be the first to see her and he remembered the story of Prosper carrying around Billy’s picture where ever he went.

Although Prosper carries guilt about the type of father he was, Ralph reminds him it is never too late. The fathers share and emotional moment. They tell one another tearfully that they love each other as the fathers look at the sonogram.


And here goes Ava getting me in my feels with the last scene. It will always be something about Black fathers loving one another as well as their children.

Charley better get the full tea on what her son is doing before she throws her hat into the political race.

I still don’t understand why Vi is lying to Hollywood about helping a battered woman and her son. Why would Hollywood object to it?

Darla and Ralph are just all of the things. I love to see it.

