‘Run The World’ Season 2 Episode 1 ‘A Dream Deferred’

Editor Bianca Gregg recaps ‘Run the World,’ STARZ’s love letter to Black women and Harlem.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
4 min readMay 27, 2023


Courtesy of Starz

Our favorite girls from Harlem are back and they have not skipped a beat!

We open with Whitney having a very vivid dream about Ola reciting his nuptials to a white woman! She wakes up on a plane, flying back from Tulum with Renee and Sondi. It is very clear the wedding between Whitney and Ola did not happen. The girls are heading back home to Harlem to face some uncomfortable truths.

Sondi arrives at Matthew’s place and he seems to be a little hesitant with letting Sondi in. We hear Amari yelling “mommy” and when Sondi comes in, Naomi is on the sofa with Amari. In case you don’t know, Naomi is Matthew’s ex and Amari’s mom — she is back from the military. Amari is bursting with excitement that her mom is not only back but currently residing in New Jersey. Amari is going to spend the night with her mom and when she tells Sondi bye, we can see some visible sadness. Sondi had pretty much built a mother/daughter relationship with Amari and having to now adjust to Naomi being back, won’t be easy.

Meanwhile, Whitney decides she is not ready to go to her apartment and stays with Renee. She opens up to Renee about her fear of going back to work an unmarried woman. Renee encourages her to take all the time she needs. Whitney finally turns her phone on and gets a rush of messages, including one from Ola saying he is staying with a friend until she returns. This message gives Whitney some hope in reconciliation.

Renee texts Jason for a quick meet up at his studio to discuss Whitney and Ola. When Renee gets to the studio, Jason expresses his confusion in her behavior. He mentions that she asked him to move out of their place by text message and that the first time she contacts him is to discuss another couple. Renee glosses over Jason’s comments and asks if Ola has mentioned Whitney at all — he has not. She wants him to have a conversation with Ola about how he feels about Whitney and Renee fails to even address her issues with Jason.

The next morning, Renee tries to have some sexual fun with herself and is interrupted by Whitney loudly commenting on a TV show. Renee comes out of her bedroom and suggests that Whitney reclaim her space because clearly she is taking up too much of Renee’s. Whitney agrees and takes the leap. She returns to her apartment — quiet and full of unpacked boxes. She goes into the bedroom and thinks back to when Ola first moved in. The couple slow danced to Alicia Keys song “If I Ain’t Got You.” Whitney snaps out of her daydream — eyes full of tears.

Sondi and Matthew enjoy a kid-less morning but are quickly interrupted by Naomi and Amari. She uses Amari’s key to get in a grab something they had forgotten the previous night. Sondi is visibly uncomfortable with the thought of Naomi having free access to the home.

During the guys meet up at the cigar bar, Ola admits he does not want to talk to Whitney. He wishes she had never told him the truth about cheating because ignorance can sometimes be bliss. Ola is still extremely angry at Whitney and despite the advice from Anderson and Jason — he isn’t ready.

Courtesy of Starz

Jason and Renee meet at Sondi’s grad apartment to talk. Jason thinks Ola still loves Whitney because he is still carrying anger and pain. Renee tells Jason she quit her job to go out on her own. He hopes that she thrives and admits it’s hard when you have to do it on your own, considering Renee was not supportive of Jason’s entrepreneurial vision for himself.

Ola texts Whitney while she is at the bar with the girls. He is ready to meet up at the apartment. When Whitney arrives, Ola is in the bedroom. The first thing he wants to know is why Whitney cheated. Whitney becomes very defensive. She feels apologizing to him and Ola canceling the wedding should be enough to ease his mind about the infidelity. Ola returns his key to Whitney and tells her he is moving out because he can not be with her without her confronting why she cheated in the first place.

Ella resigns from work and messages the girls about some big news. It appears she will remain in Tulum to write her book for 6 months. The girls pack her things along with Anderson, who will be joining her in Mexico.

When the girls finish packing, they sit and get an update from Whitney. The ladies embrace Whitney after finding out Ola has left for good. They toast to Ella and to themselves for moving forward.

Catch ‘Run The World’ Fridays on the Starz app and On-Demand. It airs Fridays at 9:30pm ET on Starz.

