‘SNOWFALL’ Season 4 Episode 10 ‘Fight or Flight’

Culture Editor Bianca Gregg is back with the critically acclaimed ‘Snowfall’ recaps as they air each week. Check in with her to see how this stylized version of how the crack epidemic got started.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
6 min readApr 22, 2021


Courtesy of FX

The episode opens with Alton coming to get a young Franklin from school. Franklin refused to say the pledge of allegiance and Alton saw no issue with his decision. Alton even told school officials that he will just remove Franklin from the school altogether. While walking out, Franklin tells Alton that he wants to stay at his school because his friends are there. Alton tells him one day he will grow up and have to make his own decisions in what he believes in but no matter what, as his father, he will always have Franklin’s back. We flash forward to adult Franklin asking his mother where Alton is. Cissy is worried that Franklin is asking this information for the wrong reasons. She assures Franklin that his father only wishes to protect him.

Scully decides he wants to seek revenge on everyone responsible for the death of Khadijah and his daughter. This time saying he wants to know where everyone is located, including Franklin’s mother.

Reed pages Franklin to listen to the radio. Alton is on the radio singing chile! He reveals that Irene was killed by the government and also discloses Reed’s name. Franklin heads to his father’s shelter in an attempt to find him. He tells everyone in the shelter that the building is closed until further notice, considering he is the one funding it. Alton’s partner calls him a disgrace but Franklin dismisses him. Reed calls Franklin angry about his father disclosing information. Reed threatens Franklin over his father’s actions but Franklin reminds him he does not respond well to threats. Cissy receives the passports and identifications Alton had created for them. Alton’s friend tells Cissy he has a lot of respect for Alton and wishes the both of them success.

Alton goes to Cissy’s and retrieves his gun. Franklin meets him there. Alton asks Franklin to set up a meeting between he and Reed but Franklin refuses to because of how dangerous Reed is. Alton believes they will be fine if he does away with Reed but Franklin knows the government does not operate that way. Suddenly there is a knock at the door, it’s Scully. Alton and Franklin quietly hide in separate rooms as Scully breaks in. Scully walks through the house with his gun aimed. Alton sneaks up from behind and shoots Scully but he is also hit in the process. Franklin wraps up Alton’s wound but he refuses to go to the hospital. He still wants to meet up with Reed. Franklin tells him since he does not want medical attention, he needs to pack his stuff and leave. Alton grabs a statue and knocks Franklin out with it. Cissy finds Franklin unconscious. Franklin asks his mom how did she find him and she says Alton called and told her he was there. Franklin panics and calls Reed. He tells Reed to let his father live but Reed makes it clear that Alton made his own bed. Reed gives Franklin the location of their meet up.

Courtesy of FX

Reed arrives at the location to meet Alton. Alton has his gun drawn on Reed and tells him to leave Franklin and his family alone. Reed insists that Franklin is the one that wants to continue to sell drugs and that has not forced anything on to Franklin. Franklin pulls up and Reed says Franklin must make the decision for himself. Franklin draws his gun on his father but can not kill him. Reed draws his gun on Alton but Cissy steps in. She promises to take Alton away forever if Reed let’s him live. Alton agrees to leave and Reed pulls back. Later that morning, Cissy and Alton prepare to leave. Alton apologizes to his son for his mistakes and tells him that he loves him. Cissy and Franklin exchange a tearful goodbye and Franklin expresses how much he will miss her. The pair board the plane and takeoff as Franklin and Reed watch. Reed tells Franklin that he will have to step away for awhile but Franklin will continue to work through Gustavo.

Scully is badly injured but makes his way to the hospital. He enters Louie’s room with his gun and asks her where Jerome is. Louie says Jerome went home but clearly it’s not true since Jerome’s jacket is on a chair. Jerome enters the room. He tries to convince Scully that he was the one who killed Khadijah. Louie tells Scully that this is the time to essentially end the war. Before Scully can do anything, he falls out and appears to have died. Franklin arrives to the hospital and Jerome updates him on what happened. When Franklin asks to speak to Louie, Jerome tells him maybe later because Louie does not want to speak to anyone at the moment.

Courtesy of FX

Jerome brings Louie home from the hospital with a welcoming from Franklin. When Franklin attempts to dive into talking about the business, Jerome makes him an offer. Jerome and Louie want to make Franklin their supplier and go into business on their own. Franklin is angered by the decision but Louie explains that they have been following behind Franklin for long enough. Louie explains that she knows she can handle this business on her own. Franklin later goes to speak to Leon about the situation. Leon advises Franklin to let Louie and Jerome break off on their own. He tells Franklin that if it does not work out, they will return to him. Franklin begins to talk about the future of the projects but Leon admits he does not think he wants to continue in the drug game. Franklin reminds Leon that he sacrificed a lot to protect him and that he will continue to work with him in the projects.

Alton wakes up in Cuba to Cissy telling him that she is heading out to the market. Alton gets up and makes coffee while he reads a book. Someone walks into the home, it’s Reed. Alton knows that Reed is there to kill him and we assume he does.

Mel makes another appearance volunteering at a church. When the children leave, Franklin walks in. He tells Mel that he intended to leave her alone until he discovered she had been talking to Irene about his business. He does not want to leave loose ends due to the possibility of her talking. Franklin asks Mel if there is anything else she needs from him and she asks Franklin to finally admit that he killed her father. Instead of answering her question, he tells Mel goodbye and that she should take care of herself. He leaves his cane behind, Franklin is walking again.


Not exactly pleased by the ending of this season. Coming off such an explosive episode last week, I needed more.

Did Cissy help in setting Alton up? Does Franklin know?

Is Lucia coming back officially?

I love Louie and Jerome so whatever they feel is best for them.

I do not care much for Franklin using his decision to protect Leon as a reason for Leon to stay in the game. Franklin keep in mind, Leon told you to stay out of the beef between Manboy and Scully. Like Leon said, he has been wise, you just weren’t listening.

Until next season folks!

