‘SNOWFALL’ Season 4 Episode 6 ‘Say A Little Prayer’

Culture Editor Bianca Gregg is back with the critically acclaimed ‘Snowfall’ recaps as they air each week. Check in with her to see how this stylized version of how the crack epidemic got started.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
5 min readMar 25, 2021


Courtesy of FX

Reed gets a call from his father. His brother Matthew is dead by way of a heart attack. Reed says he can be there the following day but his father let’s him know there is no need. Matthew’s funeral was the previous day and he had died two weeks ago. Reed’s father blames him for Matthew’s death and tells Reed it should have been him. He never wants to speak to Reed again.

While Franklin and Peaches are getting things ready for the deal in Arkansas the police show up. They question Franklin about Leon’s whereabouts to which Franklin plays dumb of course. The detective orders his officer to cuff Franklin and check the trunk of the car. Thankfully Franklin was a step ahead, the drugs were hidden in the speaker system. The detective reminds Franklin that a child was killed and someone must pay for it.

Skully is feeling deep guilt over the death of his daughter. He feels like all of the bad things he has done caused his daughter to be taken from him. Khadijah is not feeling it and is disappointed that neither Skully or Man Boy have done anything about Leon.

Courtesy of FX

Franklin wants to give Fatback up to the police. Leon feels that he should be the one to take the wrap but Franklin convinces him that it was not his fault the little girl was killed. Franklin, Peaches and Leon pay Fatback a visit. Franklin tells him that he needs to give himself up to the police. He offers a good lawyer to him that will get him lesser charges. Fatback is reluctant to agree but Leon promises that his family will be taken care of and that money will also be given to him. They later drop Fatback off to the police station where he meets the lawyer.

Franklin later meets Reed at Louie’s club. Reed is under the influence and in a rage. He tells Franklin that his emotional decision to protect Leon is messing up the business. He tells Franklin that everyone has lost someone close to them, obviously referencing the loss of his brother. He reminds Franklin that everyone is replaceable.

Courtesy of FX

Jerome and Louie arrive in Little Rock and Jerome clearly is out of his element. They introduce Louie’s homegirl and her husband Johnnie to crack. Louie shows her how to cook the cocaine into crack and Jerome shows Johnnie how to shoot an automatic weapon. Jerome and Louie tell the pair that no matter what they must never smoke the crack because of how addictive it is. That information leaves Johnnie skeptical about what he is getting himself into but Louie puts his fears to rest by reminding him of the money that is in the crack dealing business. After the close of day one, Jerome asks Louie why exactly she wants to stick to the drug game. He tells her that she virtually has everything she wanted. He decides to collect his things and go stay in a hotel for the night. He tells Louie he will be back for the party but wants to head back to L.A. afterwards. At the party everyone is enjoying the crack and it proves to be very lucrative. Jerome and Louie get in the car to leave and Louie finally tells Jerome that Reed is a CIA agent. Jerome starts to piece everything together and Louie tells him this is why they can not leave the drug game, even if they wanted to.

Khadijah creates a chemical and asks Skully for as much money as possible. That night Fatback is bailed out of jail. A mysterious woman is there to pick him up. She tells him she was sent by Franklin and Leon. Fatback gets into her car and she drives into a dark alley. Khadijah sneaks up and covers Fatback’s face with a cloth soaked in the chemical agent she created, it knocks him out. He wakes up to a cigarette being put out on his head. He is tied up and realizes he has been taken. Khadijah begins to question him about where Leon is, Fatback claims he does not know so Khadijah stabs him. Fatback tells her again he does not know where Leon is but he apologizes for the death of her daughter. He tells Khadijah that he did not kill her little girl so he is not the one she really wants. She comes over to Fatback, looks him in his eyes and tells him to say a prayer. In a rage, Khadijah brutally and repeatedly stabs Fatback to death as he yells in agony.

Courtesy of FX

Franklin receives a page from the lawyer. He asks about Fatback being bailed out and Franklin tells him that is what he gave the lawyer the money for. The lawyer tells Franklin that Fatback has already been bailed out. The following day, as Franklin is walking up to Louie’s club their is a path of blood soaked sidewalk leading to Fatback’s lifeless body. Inside Leon is in a rage. He tells Franklin that he promised Fatback he would be okay and blames Franklin for Fatback’s death.

Wanda is clean ya’ll! The hospital releases her without any help of course but Wanda wanting to remain clean seeks help from Leon. Since Leon is going through his own mess, he refers her to Alton’s shelter. When Wanda shows up to the shelter, Alton takes her immediately to get set up. Irene shows up once again and Alton reminds her that he asked her to never come back unless she wants him to call the police. Irene says if he calls them, she will tell them that his shelter is funded by Franklin’s drug money. She tells Alton that she knows everything about the drug organization and she also knows the government is wrapped up in it. She tells Alton that if he can give her some information his family will be spared but otherwise she will expose him, Sissy and Franklin.


As horrific a death Fatback suffered, I understood because you were the accomplice to the murder of a child.

Khadijah is a wild woman. She is strong but she has a dark side. It took a lot to kill Fatback in that manner.

I think it really may be time for Franklin to hang it up. Way too much happening right now and we aren’t done. Khadijah will be back.

