‘SNOWFALL’ Season 4 Episode 7 ‘Through a Glass, Darkly’

Culture Editor Bianca Gregg is back with the critically acclaimed ‘Snowfall’ recaps as they air each week. Check in with her to see how this stylized version of how the crack epidemic got started.

Bianca Gregg
The Lyons Den
5 min readApr 1, 2021


Courtesy of FX

Franklin updates Louie and Jerome on what has occurred while they were in Little Rock. Franklin assures Louie the police should begin to fall back since Fatback took the wrap for the murder of Scully’s daughter. Franklin also wants Leon to get back to the projects. Not sure where Franklin’s mind is but there is no way it will be that simple.

Alton sits in his car looking at Irene’s business card. He is rattled by her blackmail attempt. He heads into the house and walks in on a surprise sobriety party. After dinner Cissy reminisces about her early conversations with Alton, including his knowledge of the bible. The following day at the shelter, Alton checks in on Wanda with her job search. She asks Alton if he is Franklin’s father. He admits that he is and when he asks Wanda how she knows him, she says from the neighborhood. Alton immediately realizes John Baxter’s baby is crawling around the shelter alone. When he and Wanda go outside looking for him, they find him in the alley dead as a result of drug use. Alton finds out that his children will likely be put into foster care. When he goes home to tell Cissy, he admits he wants to stop with the illegal activity. Cissy tells Alton he would have to convince Franklin to agree otherwise she will not abandon her son.

Courtesy of FX

While Peaches drives Franklin to a drop, he realizes they are being followed. He pulls over and gets out of the car with a gun. It spooks the followers and they ride off. Franklin asks Peaches if they are Black and he says they were. Franklin realizes his followers were trying to follow him to the plug. Likely some of Manboy’s crew.

Leon is back in the projects and has an unpleasant run in with Fatback’s cousin, Deon. Leon at this point is wearing the blame of what happened to Fatback and Deon pretty much wants revenge. Leon goes to Jerome and Louie to tell them he is having a hard time getting back into the projects and Jerome offers his help.

Franklin asks Oso if Reed seems okay to him. Oso tells Franklin he should just ask Reed himself but eventually tells Franklin he is fine. Meanwhile Reed is headed to Panama to clean up the situation with his guns. He is very hush with Avi for obvious reasons.

Manboy finds out Khadijah has put money on Leon’s head when two women say they have Leon’s body in the trunk of their car. Of course it is not Leon but they still wanted payment. Manboy confronts Khadijah on what she has done but she could careless. Manboy wants to handle Franklin and Leon his own way but she refuses to call the hit off.

Jerome and Leon are in the projects having a cookout. Wanda goes to Leon and begins to tell him about Irene showing up to the shelter but of course she wants money from Leon to tell the whole story. He tells her to leave as Deon walks up. Jerome immediately steps in and builds rapport with him. He tells Deon that Lee is one of his business partners and for that reason he needs to be left alone. Deon agrees to give them some soldiers in the projects. Later that night, Jerome has a motivational talk with the new soldiers in the projects. A woman comes up to Leon with a gun to his head. She wants to cash out on the bounty on Leon. Luckily one of the new young boys put a gun to her head. Jerome asks her for more information on the bounty.

Courtesy of FX

Alton and Irene meet at a bar. Alton agrees to talk so long as his family is protected. When he gets home, Sissy asks him where he had been all day. Alton tells Cissy that what he did was to protect the family. At Louie’s club, Jerome is updating everyone on the bounty when Cissy walks in to tell Franklin they need to talk. At the house we find out Alton did talk. Franklin is livid. Alton tries to make it seem like there was no other choice but to talk. In a rage Franklin hits Alton with his gun and tells him to never call him son again. He kicks Alton out.

Courtesy of FX

In Panama Reed speaks to Avi and his banker about his missing funds. The banker tells Reed one of their employees took his money but it has been given back to him. Reed wants to know who the employee was but of course that information can not be disclosed. Reed finds out on his own who the employee was and goes to get answers out of him. After waterboarding the man, the police show up along with Avi and his banker. Of course Avi had something to do with the money disappearing.

Franklin goes to see his girl. She can tell Franklin is under heavy stress. She gives him a scalp massage to try to ease his worry. He begins to cry and tells T that they are in real trouble.

Irene sits in her home and types up her story from the audio she received from Alton.


Alton really should have told the family about Irene from jump. She could have been handled before it even got to this point.

Franklin should know the situation between himself, Scully and Manboy isn’t over just because Fatback is dead. At the end of the day Khadijah knows who pulled the trigger and killed her daughter. She will not rest until Leon is dead or until her pain is felt by everyone.

Prediction for next week: Khadijah gets to someone close to Franklin, and it ain’t Leon.

